Tuesday, June 16, 2009

No rain, no rainbows

No rain
No rainbow....

It is simple but it is true.

It is raining today.
The kids are stuck inside.

But, I just realized that for the first time in days
they are down playing together - peacefully.

This won't last long - but neither do rainbows.

But much like rainbows this signifies hope.


Lorac said...

The lull before the storm per say? Thanks for coming by and answering my question. I am going to try to do both, that way I wont miss any one.

Deb said...

does this mean you get a break from swim lessons? If so Enjoy!

Jennifer and Sandi said...

No rain down here yet! Rain Rain RAIN ALREADY!

- Jennifer

Mari Mansourian said...

well said... love the picture

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

Great metaphor. Enjoy it while it lasts...

Homer and Queen said...

Peacefully? How did you do that?

Anonymous said...

isnt it great when they play together peacefully? makes me wonder everytime how much longer it will last :)

Memories Of Mine said...

When my children are quiet I know they are up to something. The question is, do I go check and disturb the peace or so I worry about the consequences later?

Anonymous said...

thanks for the comment Julie! you're right, venting does help..
as for friday, I am already putting on my "babysitter" forehead sign, for a new cute little baby boy!

as for your post, hopefully the sun will come out more today! are your kids throwing paper airplanes at each other??

Adrienne said...

A good reminder to enjoy the moment!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

I always thought something was wrong when the kids were quiet and I was usually right...they were getting into trouble! Your simile is beautiful with rainbows and hope.

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

Oh this is beautiful! I enjoyed it very much. Now, whenever my boys are playing peacefully together I'll thank God for the rainbow!