Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Which is where 3 of those 10 years went. 2 years prior to that were a blur due to Covid. So, in reality, it has been 5 years real - non apocalyptic time that has passed I guess.
Now, as I write we are back under the reign of terror that is "President Trump" (Yes, I too just threw up in my mouth). I paused here to figure out when the inauguration day was. Realizing it was only 4 days ago made me feel even sicker. 4 days and he has already managed to strip away the rights of so many and set our progress back 80 years. "our progress" being that of anyone who isn't a straight white old man.
This is not what I want to write about, but it is what is consuming my mind right now.
What I need to focus on (instead of the regime) is what I want to do instead:
I want to rediscover my hobbies
Train myself to get back outside (that used to be where I longed to be before the internet)
Read more
Watch more shows and movies
Work on making my house what I want/ need it to be as an empty nester
Make time to go out of town to see my kids and enjoy their towns
Slow down
Get on top of paperwork, bills, spendy (these are far reaching goals for me...but maybe!)
So, I didn't come here looking to complain about the new regime, or to talk about my cancer (such an exhausting topic), or even to discuss my new focus, it seems that is what I have done. I honestly came here to find a recipe I posted once....over a decade ago)
But, now that I'm here, maybe I'll use this space to put feelings to words and clear my brain some. maybe...... or maybe it'll be 10 more years until I'm back?
1 comment:
Julie, I'm so happy to see you here! I came back in '22. I had stopped using FB & Insta and one day I just did as you have done and the rest is a 3 year time reacquainting on blogger. I like the blog world so much better than the "social" media world.
I am stunned and appalled at the truth of at least half of this country. That they us their god as a shield makes it even more disgusting. The chaos go that one started before inauguration and has ramped up. I am truly worried.
Enough of that. I really am happy to see you and please, continue. It has been really good for me and I think it will be the same for you. There are a lot of good people here.
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