Monday, March 30, 2009

Strong Coffee Dreaming - Monday

I need strong coffee on Monday

Maybe this would do...
Photo from Flickr - here

of drinking it here

pic off the web

Wearing this....

Now wouldn't that be a way to wake up?

What are you dreaming of today?


Alicia @ boylerpf said...

I dreaming of a lot less snow than what they are calling for today...a blizzard with at least 5-8" more new snow. I sure could use that beach right about now!!

Alexiev said...

Great images and ideas...

Best wishes from Buenos Aires...
Alexiev Store

Polly said...

Oh my I'm with you on that completely!!! I can so see myself wrapped in a cosy blanket drinking coffee on a beach....mmmm.... thanks!

Anonymous said...

I did wake up to that this morning. I don't have the ocean but I did have Lake Conroe TX. It was in the 40's this morning so when I had my coffee on the deck I had to be wrapped in a blanket, not as nice as the one you dreamed about. I guess I am living your dream today and didn't know how lucky I am.

Deb said...

Ok, I'm adding myself into your dream. This tropical beach does not need blankets or wraps or shawls. Only our swim suits. We will be modest and avoid bikinis, but the rest of our bodies are soaking up the warmth.....feel it? And maybe, just maybe it's hot enough already this morning that we are having iced coffee! Ahhh...Thanks for the good day-dream this morning!

TheChicGeek said...

I think I'll take your dream...that looks like a really good one :) I could get into that!
Happy Monday!

Sarah J. said...

Ah, how relaxing. My dreams involve me sleeping in, eating chocolate (which doesn't make me feel guilty afterwards), and getting a massage. Happy Monday!

drollgirl said...

i think i am dreaming of going back to bed. :[

Jo said...

That looks wonderful...!

I think I would love to be on a yacht, cruising the Greek Islands in the Mediterranean on a hot summer day, eating fresh fruit.


Memories Of Mine said...

This looks like the most amazing way to wake up in the morning.

It would make getting up worth while.

tangobaby said...

I dreamed I got laid off today so just going back for a little nap would work for me.

Alexandra said...

I'm dreaming of getting caught up, not feeling a little left behind. This is most likely because I am about midway through the semester at school and because I was away from home all weekend.
Thanks for thinking I'm "cool". Takes one to know one! <3

? said...

You have a very beautiful mind. The most remarkable thing about you I have noted to date. I love coffee too but wouldn't like to drink it there. I just can't find an explanation for you little dumpling.

Missy said...

I am dreaming of Friday! Is that not sad?

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

You are dreaming some great Monday morning dreams...hope the coffee helped.
We are going on a trip in May and I'm already shopping the catalogs, getting the pedicure...sunshine dreams!

Anonymous said...

thanks for your comment on my blog!! yeah it was a fun weekend!!

and I am with you on how amazing coffee is :)

A Cuban In London said...

I love the smell of hot coffee early in the morning whilst I leaf through my Sunday paper and listen to one of my favourite pianists Aziza Mustafa Zadeh. Ahhh, that's life! Many thanks for that beautiful post.

Greetings from London.