Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Anything... except snowballs

We were walking out of the lunch program after swimming lessons today. The older three were already in the van (fighting). I was walking hand in hand with my favorite 4 yr old man. When he says -

Whoooaa it's sunny

Finally - I say

...and it's haaawwt!

Yes it is hun.

This is where he stops walking and looks around.


Mom? (we now start walking again)


Yes, you are right - it is finally Summer.
(I guess I wasn't the only one who realized this)

We can do "anyfing" we wanna now cuz it's SUMMER!


Yeah - like fimming, and running through the sprinkla........

Anything except make noballs.


Yeah snowballs.


Jennifer and Sandi said...

Hahahahhaa noballs! PLEASE let's not talk about snow yet!!! Love the little ones!

Happy Wed!

- Jennifer

Indiri Wood said...

Heehee... I love the conversations we get to have with our children!

~Thought's By Dena~/ JDs Gift Shack said...

hehe kids...they are just too darn cute!!!!

julochka said...

aww, that is a great story.

and those cute kid sayings are going around sister said her youngest just informed the oldest that he had looked at the analog legos at target.

enjoy your summer before the noballs come back!!

Vintage Inspired Jewelry said...

What a perfect moment. I could really use some noballs right about now. It's way to hot here In the heartland. Stay cool..Kathi

Sandra said...

awwwww, that is so sweet.

Deb said...

I think this calls for snowcones!

TheChicGeek said...

So cute, and Yeah!!! Summer! :D Woo-Hoo! LOL

Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

lol that's too funny :D

Anonymous said...

love it!! I can totally see him saying that with his cute smily face :)
and I also heard a "rumor" that he won't be at the fancy nancy party this weekend...sad!!
I was told I need to have a "dress with jewels!"
happy day!

Kacie said...

Haha, what a cute kid!

Memories Of Mine said...

Oh, your 4 year old sounds adorable. That is such a cute thing to say

jaykbee said...

What a blessing little boys are!. I love em. oh and big boys... love them too!

Adrienne said...

Ooh, cute! Except for the kind that come in cones, with flavored syrup on top...

McGillicutty said...

It's been summer here for so long I can't even imagine... I want my kids to make noballs so bad!!! Happy happy conversations.. love it.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

LOL... I'm not going to lie... I wish my 4 year old still talked like that. It's so cute.

No you can't make snow balls, but you can eat Sno Ice's! YUM YUM!

spudballoo said...

Oh this is adorable. My 2 and 3 year olds do make me chuckle each day (in between wanting to throtle them of course). Noballs, fabulous...