Saturday, August 1, 2009

I'm Draggin' Today!

I'm tired today.
Because yesterday I took part in the Dragon Boat Festival.
Dearest and I were recruited by my friend
to be on the team she was on
The Rotary Club "Rowtarians"

After securing child care and getting a few practices under our belt we were ready.
Our first race we came in strong. We finished first and felt great.
We did so well that we won our division.

The second race we were just off.
Not in cinche.
New people were in the boat and the seating may have been off.
Whatever it was - the few seconds we slowed down threw us out of the top standings.
We were one place away from having to race again in the "silver" division for second place.
(they have an odd system- I don't feel like explaining, and you probably don't feel like reading)

But, it was fun and I felt a part of our town and community for the day. I took some pics - using Dearest's cheap work camera (in case my bag got stolen I wasn't going to risk losing the "big" camera- there is even a pic of me and Dearest at the end)

The boats were ready.

The crowds were gathering

(side note: notice the long sleeves, sweatshirts, and coats... I am not kidding you folks when I tell you our weather has been awful, unbearable really. The high for the week is 72 and that is on Friday! For those of you suffering from 100+ degrees that would kill for this type of weather - consider that we only have a few months to soak up the suns rays - we need all the Vitamin D we can get.)

Racers Readied

Then we raced

we watched the scores

(that is dearest - say hi)

In the end we won the "civic cup"
We scored in the top tier over-all.

But, most importantly -
I had a LOT of fun!
Out of the house all day with Dearest
On a team with my best friend and her husband
Relaxed, because I knew the kids were having a blast
with one of the best babysitters put on the face of the Earth.

No stress and no worries

Except to




COME ON!!!!!!!


For 2 minutes and a few seconds.
(Of which a good minute of I thought I might throw up I was working so hard!)


Deb said...

Yea! Way to go you super woman you! congrats and best of all you had fun! yea! Dearest,love the goat-beard! congrats to you too!

Anonymous said...

it was fun to see you today! I was working inside the art center and it was neat to watch all the people go by and see the boats and much rowing!!

and I agree- this cold weather is AWFUL, I was hoping August would bring some warmth. I am so sick of having to wear long sleeved shirts and jeans.

great pic of the two of you at the end of your blog, too!!!

Coachdad said...

Wow... 72 degrees? Trade you in a heartbeat. Sounds like a great day. I am guessing you might be a little sore tomorrow.

Adaptable Kay said...

Okay, that is so FUN! I would love to compete in something like that one day :D
It's definitely a unique story to tell!
Thanks for sharing!!

Adan said...

fantastic! i want to sing row row row your boat, but you aren't in a stream. anyway, your interview is blowing up my comment box! lol, people are demanding this you tube video.

Anonymous said...

Loks like a fun fun fun time!!!!

McGillicutty said...

Wow looks like you had the time of your life! It's so much fun but I know you'll need a rub down later!! hee hee. hugs... Ali

Mari Mansourian said...

sounds like a great time was had... good for you and "dearest".