Friday, December 11, 2009


I am in love. I get excited, my heart races a bit, and I can't wait to be back together with my new love.
It is not another person Dearest - don't worry, it is soap.
Yep soap. Laura @ Corabela sent me a sampling of soap from her new Etsy shoppe and I am in L-O-V-E !!!!!!! I have never used a homemade soap that was this nice. The bars are a nice size (they fit in your hand perfectly), the smell is intoxicating.

Now, normally homemade soaps putter out when it comes time to use them - they don't lather, they feel sticky on your skin, they let you down in the end. But, not this soap. This lathers big fluffy bubbles and goes on smooths and rinses off clean.

All in all this is a great product - one you should consider. Laura is a great blogger, and obviously an amazing soap maker. Check out her Etsy shoppe : HERE

I know many many people who would love a bar for Christmas.
(Heck, buy 5 the shipping is free then!!!)


math guy, dock guy said...

Sounds like one big soap opera to me.

I have to confess Jules, soap and I took a shower together this morning and she touched me all over.

It was good.

Deb said...

You two are a riot!

Vodka Logic said...

The ginger sounds lovely, I wish I could smell it... I am VERY picky about smelly things.

~DokterKenny said...

What?!!! There is other soap besides Lava and Zest?!! Actually my love for good soap and candles has me convinced I could pitch for the other team at any moment. There is just something about really really good soap and candles. Oh I know where it came from this love. Staying in really nice hotels when I worked I got spoiled ( oh and I would take as much of it as I could home with me for future travels) I have a huge bin of it I use all the time.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

Hmmmm... never used homemade soap before. I will have to try it :)

THanks Jules

Anonymous said...

my bride used to make soap, body, wash, lotion etc etc. Good stuff I reckon.

Dock Dood, if I get this soap and give it to her does that mean I'll get more shower invites?

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you loved it! The way you raved about it, I'm dying to go take a hot bath with it now. : )

You're awesome.

Anonymous said...

And also, you took FANTASTIC photos!