Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Beauty she is a Beast

Acne-plural acnes 1) (pathology) A skin condition, usually of the face, that is common in adolescents. It is characterised by red pimples, and is caused by the inflammation of sebaceous glands through bacterial infection.


Will there ever come a time when I do not get pimples?

You know, pimples - aka: zits, acne, white or black heads, volcanoes, blemishes, miserable skin eruptions and that can interrupt an otherwise beautiful day...yeah pimples.

When I was younger (as early as fourth grade) I had a bad case of acne. It seemed to come and go, but it was miserable in High School. It wasn't to the point where I looked like I had road rash or pox ... but bad enough.

As I aged I figured they would lessen and eventually disappear. They lessened. Disappear? Definitely not!

I have gone through this little deal with myself (as if I had any control)...
I would no longer have to deal with acne when...
when- I am 18, no?
well then...when- I turn 21....
how about 25yrs. old...
for sure when I am 30 I will no longer have to deal with pimples.
Here I am 35 yrs old
and still I wake up with a "zit" here or there OR EVERYWHERE!
HERE is where the real problems lies.
Not only do I still have the occasional break out.
No, now these pimples are showing up on top of the wrinkles I am starting to get! Seriously!

Who has pimples and wrinkles at the same time?

Apparently I do!


Adan said...

i get pimples, but i refuse to acknowledge any wrinkle on my face.

Polly said...

I do too, but I've learnt to ignore them... I cover them up and forget about them till it's time to take the make-up off...

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain...and then when you add the bonus of cold sores, too...ughhhh....

Anonymous said...

You will not have pimples if you use Noxzema. This bit of advice comes from "Turner". I am in my "later years" and have not had a pimple, acne, zit, since my teens.

TheChicGeek said...

Proactive works great!
Hey, look at the bright side, a little acne makes you feel like a teenager again....but with all that great life experience :)