Sunday, February 15, 2009

Severed Heads

I went to the local beauty school on Wednesday to get my hair dyed.

Severed heads oversee the goings on

At one point the women start looking like severed heads ....

Yeah, I know, WTF?

I started thinking of the ritualistic torture we subject ourselves in the name of beauty.

Foil, rods, dyes, gels, sprays, heat, and then products to cover up the damage we have just done.

Side note- the school seemed quite a bit emptier then the last time I had been there. My student/beautician said a lot of people had graduated and several had dropped out. This put me into a fit of hysterical laughter while having my hair rinsed (it is hard to laugh so hard with your head hanging in a rinse bowl!) I explained to my poor perplexed 19 yr old girl that it made me think of the song from Grease - Beauty School Dropout- which she (go figure) had not seen..... sigh


Adan said...

i make the same references to things too about other movies and you can tell we are getting old when the kids these days look at you like your hair is on fire [yes, that pun was INTENDED!]

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Great photos! I know exactly what you mean.

Thanks for coming to visit!

Lisa :)