Saturday, May 9, 2009

So it goes when you're workin for a livin

This is the view I see every day now. I can not show you him returning because by the time he returns it is long after dark. It is Spring which means installation time for docks and boat lifts. Opening fishing is this weekend - people are antsy.
They forget the ice has only been off the lake for a couple of weeks. Our business name is Boon-Docks. That is where we live and Docks is what we do.

Unfortunately it is nowhere near as sunny and warm as it was in this picture from last summer.

So, strap on your waders, grab extra clothes because you will get wet and cold. Bring a lunch and several snacks, towels, your socket wrench, and for the morning a stocking hat (it's cold dang it!) It is dock season.


Sandra said...

Brrrrr. Let's get this MN tradition of fish opener over with so it will warm up. It's supposed to be cool all weekend, blah!

Anonymous said...

thanks for your nice comment on my post!!

and speaking of docks, Abbie was SO excited to show me their dock when I was at their house on Monday. She told me in the car, "there's something way cool by the lake I have to show you"...!

Pattern and Perspective said...

Yep, I agree. Quite chilly this morning in TRF. I wish it was warmer, it would make me feel like driving somewhere. I'd love a little trip somewhere, near water, because I feel as if I have been stuck in TRF too long (except for a trip around Xmas 2008) Bring on the sun and warmth.

Homer and Queen said...

We are having 98 degree days already! I have never been fishing in my life!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Is that SNOW I see next to the driveway? Eee gads, girl! Not a warm weekend here either and couple that with being near the water...I'd be freezing in a heart beat!

Vicky said...

I am so anxious just to get my flowers in! But I don't dare with how cold the temps still are, especially at night.

I get numb just thinking about being in the water on a day like today, even with waders on, brrr.

Adaptable Kay said...

I know how the docking business goes.
Every summer we would help my uncle put the dock in up north.
Very hard work!

Adan said...

I kind of feel bad. I want to get out there and help, but I'm scared I would just get in the way. I talk for a living, I don't work. I envy those who work. they are usually in shape. Me? not so much.

Anonymous said...

Its hottttttttttt here!!

Get that money while they have it out!!!

I heard guys who drive Ford trucks are better lovers, just sayin!

Missy said...

Snow? Love the name of your business!

Mrs.Rotty said...

um...... no thanks. i think i'll sit my happy butt in the warmth. but more power to you! lol.