Let's just say "We're on a break"

That is the post I have been running through my head for the last couple of weeks. This is what I thought I would say when I logged on this morning, but I can't do it. Summer will afford me things to post about - I know this.
Know I am busy, and trying to get things onto a running summer schedule. I will get it pulled together. I am not sure how or where I found so much time to read blogs before. I do know I was happier when I did find the time to read more. I found great pleasure when I was able to sit down and pound out a few posts and collect my thoughts. I will return. I may turn off comments. I think this may have something to do with it. Having a certain expectation or hope of response and not getting it. I have to return to writing for myself.
I did think of starting over, a new blog- one noone knows of...but I do not want to lose my blog connections, my friends. So, I will get it worked out. I always do.