Let's just say "We're on a break"

That is the post I have been running through my head for the last couple of weeks. This is what I thought I would say when I logged on this morning, but I can't do it. Summer will afford me things to post about - I know this.
Know I am busy, and trying to get things onto a running summer schedule. I will get it pulled together. I am not sure how or where I found so much time to read blogs before. I do know I was happier when I did find the time to read more. I found great pleasure when I was able to sit down and pound out a few posts and collect my thoughts. I will return. I may turn off comments. I think this may have something to do with it. Having a certain expectation or hope of response and not getting it. I have to return to writing for myself.
I did think of starting over, a new blog- one noone knows of...but I do not want to lose my blog connections, my friends. So, I will get it worked out. I always do.
Well I had something to say but on the "You might like also" one title is something about sun tanning topless and I got sidetracked.
I started a "nobody knows me here" blog because I wanted to be able to talk about whatever I want without offending anyone I know.
I haven't posted once in it. Feels too much like hollering into an empty canyon...
I think we put too much pressure on ourselves to post sometimes. I certainly do. I feel like I'm going to lose people if I skip too many days. That's not why we should be blogging. We should be doing it when we have something to say. Or show. Or "tell".
I'll stick around. It's always kind of nice when someone who goes on hiatus comes back now and again with an update.
Now I have to go check out the topless tanning post Southern Sage speaks of...
As you know, I turned off comments for about two weeks. I got lots of email telling me that everyone of the people emailing had thought of it. I got one telling me I was senseless, but I never went to that blog anyway!
After a couple of weeks I felt ready to face the world again and everyone was there to greet me!
I don't feel the need for a daily topic anymore. If I have nothing to say...well I have nothing to say. I also can't read as many during the summer. That's what our MN winters are for, right?
Live life Jules. Cyber life is fun, but real life is , real. You put much of your humor on FB.
girl it's a break... a hiatus.... a sabbatical... we all need them now and again. don't stress.
you'll return refreshed and renewed and all will be well again!!xx
Sorry to hear that you're in such a funk. You will be missed, but hopefully not for too long. I guess that your "Hometown" book is pretty time-consuming, and quite the labour of love, too.
The point is...love! It always is! You're spreading the love girl...I love reading your witty, funny and often touching words. I treasure that you are capturing this time in your life in photos and posts...someday...you will be so happy you did too! The fact that I get to share in that amazingly love filled life is icing on the cake...but you take your break...I'll be here when you return. Mwaah!
I had the same problem. I realized that when I had all the time to read posts and write posts, I wasn't doing other things. Then I got sucked into games on Facebook and I lost control. I don't play any of these games anymore and I am working out the summer schedule as well. I understand.
I know how you feel. It is all I can do to put a post together right now.
You will be missed. I love reading about your thoughts views and your love for your family and friends. I understand and hope you will be ready to come back one day and I too will be here waiting.
Love you more.
Maybe this blog has served it's purpose. We are all constantly evolving and figuring out who we are - maybe you've come close to figuring it out. I think it's ok to take a break - and even if you don't come back to this blog at least you know it has helped to get you to the point you are at today. A year and a half is a pretty good run...
ya gotta love Sage. That's what I love about men--- so simple in their own way. Wait, I had something to say too and SAGE sidetracked me. mrawr.
I don't even know how to turn off blog comments. You're already a step ahead of me. ;)
hi, you're neat. blog when your cup runneth over, or when the sidewalk cools with rain, or perhaps when you make a perfect piece of toast. if you blog any other time, it won't be you, and that is not so good.
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