Anyway. Beside the dead ugly dirty grass there is the mess from the Winter and Fall that are now uncovered. Mostly garbage. It has been hiding under the layers of snow all winter - and now it has come out and Ewwwe!
Let me tell you this - the solution to pollution is not dilution! Things like plastic bottles, cans, cigarette butts, and shoes do not just disappear! (there are ALOT of people out there missing ONE shoe aren't there?! ) They do not dissolve into compost or evaporate into thin air.

I often wonder what possesses a person to throw their trash out the car window? Do they think someone else will pick it up? That it will magically disappear? Do they just not give a rats ass? Seriously...

Earth Day is coming up. You know that. You also know there are things you can do. Are you doing them? Because YOU can do something.
Clean your block, your back yard
Buy recycle bins and start using them:
Separate your paper from your cans
Start a compost pile
Try to keep your trash down to a bag a week (if a family of 6 can do it, so can you)
Buy smart - Avoid things individually packaged
Look for things in enviro containers or recyclable containers
Think about it, you know what to do. You have heard it before. I don't need to keep nagging here.
However I would like you to consider one HUGE thing you can do that would have a profound impact on the earth-
use reusable grocery bags - stay away from the plastic bags. Pretend you just found out that using them will cause you cancer and exposure to them could cause a sudden death.... because that is what you are doing to the earth!
I am surprised if you can watch this video and not reconsider your choice of bag - I will eat a plastic bag - well, no, it would kill, me so ... but you get the point!
Sometimes you just need a reminder.
photos from Google image search
i'm with you on this. seriously, what ARE people thinking when they throw their trash out the window? unbelievable. when i actually SEE someone do it, i want to chase them down and beat them to a pulp at the side of the road. i don't do that. but i want to.
and i ALWAYS take my own bags to the grocery store--we have a whole array of canvas ones--i even keep at least one in the car for exactly that purpose.
our community makes us recycle. we have a green bin and a regular bin and we separate everything. it's awesome.
i hate litter. hate. even before it was cool to be green...even before i really knew what recycling was...way back in grade school i remember getting so irritated at my friends that would throw stuff out car windows. it. simply. makes. no. sense.
I so agree! Trash is taking over the world! I do not understand what people are thinking when dumping their trash! I have my Earth Day T-shirt and am planning trees and picking up trash with my son's class!
this is for earth day!
Happy Earth Day
I was around for the first earth day, in my birkenstocks! Where I live you really need to want to recycle. We came from the city which had curbside pickup. Out here in the country we have to haul it in ourselves, which we have done for the entire time we have lived here. I don't have canvas bags, but the store I go to allows you to reuse the paper bags, so I do.
We got our lawn raked yesterday and are having a little sprinkle today. It's sort of green. : )
Wow! Great Video! Loved your "pretend the bags cause cancer" thought! Will spend today cleaning up my yard too! xxoo
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