Saturday, April 25, 2009

It Is What It Is

Picture taken at 6:30 pm Friday Night.
April 24th ....and it is SNOWING
It is better then last year on this date:

I think these guys were waiting to eat
what was left of me when I threw myself
out the window in desperation!

This is why I blew off work on Thursday and enjoyed the day - I knew that here in Minnesota, especially in the Spring -
It Is What It Is.


Unknown said...

Wow, I can't get over the snow! I'm afraid to say this (New Hampshire is notorious for getting sudden spring snowstorms when you least expect them), but spring seems to have really sprung here : )

Your pics are, as always, gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

i was waiting for you to post a snowy pic!!
thursday, I am out running and sweating in a tshirt...24 hours later, I am flying out of work in my "unprepared" flip-flops in the snow!!

yay for sunshine this morning tho :)

Coachdad said...

That's incredible... I am in my pool this weekend with my girls. Snow? What's that?

TheChicGeek said...

It looks so beautiful to me. I think when you live in cold weather like that it can get to you. It is beautiful though...

Sandra said...

I'm so sorry. I know how you feel all to well. There are some benefits to living in the southern third of the state, but we get it at this time of year also. Just not yesterday! We desperately need rain. It's as dry as a tinder box.

Don't fling yourself out the window, we would miss you. : )

Ha! verification word: kruppy!

Boutique By Bonnie said...

Spring is glorious in its tumultous extremes. Soon there will be flowers!

Anonymous said...

ha, I always love your comments you leave on my blog!

what, you mean I can't just keep taking care of other people's kids for the rest of my life?!


Memories Of Mine said...

But it was a beautiful day Thursday.

It sort of reminds me of Melbourne weather (minus the snow). My city is known for quick changing weather. One day it can be stinking hot and 40 degrees and the next day it can be a cool 18.

I love the fall snow in the first picture. It is beautiful.

Kacie said...

i had a tiny bit of snow on my car here when i left for work saturday morning. :)

namaste said...

It is what it is girl... you've got it!