Do not send "homework" home with a four year. Unless this child is the first child, the oldest child, the only child, not the fourth child. Especially when this child has siblings in the elementary school who also have "homework". Homework that is due back and graded and effects their permanent record and learning ability.
I do understand that this is a very important time in my son's life and that I need to be aware of and corrective of his speech at home. (this is my fourth child in speech) I am pleased that my child is motivated enough to take this homework out and do it. But, as far as me and my responsibilities - I am full up. (hello, I am responsible for 100 finger and toenails a week and 55 spelling words to drill into three little brains- and that is just to start, and ohhhh don't get me started) Don't need you adding to it. Would you really dump a bucket of water into the river when the little boy had his finger in the dike? I am doing all I can to keep my finger in the dike, to keep the flood waters from wiping out my village.

(I am going to start a sentence with and... you ready?)
And when you then "ask" me if he did his homework - more with a reprimanding look than a curious one it is all I can do not to go a little psycho mom on you. Did I lie? kinda? But not really, because, I did only noticed him using the work "okay" one time. It did come out as oTay, I corrected it, he checked his chart.
So, I tell you what - back off lady, oKay????? Notice, I used my K sound ?
Now go check out a good cause below. It is worth learning about.
I bet that teacher never took into consideration that you have three other children at home. Teachers can get very focused on just those students that are in their class. She only wants the best for him, promise!
Whew Jules...why do we always have to blow off steam (*stress*) caused by others? Becuase people don't sit back and think ! Another way of putting its....never put to much tomato paste in my tomato sauce because when I am simmering I get to thick and the steam bubbles blow suace all over kitchen ceiling :-)
I am so with you on that one!!!
Homework, shomework..4 year olds do not need homework! Bleeeeck! Be good to you dear friend!
Four year old do not need homework and the teacher needs a foot in her sphincter
I hate homework at any age. enough is enough. I don't have the time or inclination to want to help or make sure it is done...ok thanks for letting me rant too.
the thought of homework, still today, makes me shiver with disgust.
speech homework? come-on teacha'.
It's likely a new teacher who still thinks parents don't need sleep and houses clean themselves. I will happily look a teacher in the eye and say "No, my child didn't do the homework, because we thought it was inappropriate and unreasonable."
I am a bad teacher's worst nightmare, because my 9 year old is reading at a 10th grade reading level and I speak pedagogy. Of course, good teachers love me, because I donate my unused Euro-cent coins to the class for counting/geography lessons.
Love the photo Jules!
Oh, Jules.... You are not alone! I love it! I keep getting the "be on time" speech and they keep amping up the start time... Are you freakin kidding me???? Hang in there, Ma. Or don't. I have 70 acres to hide the body on... :P
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