I say this - but I remember not too long ago when gasoline was hovering around the $5 a gallon price and I watched every up and down as though it were my own life line.
A lot changed for me when the prices did that. I became more shut in. My outlet to the outside world became a bit smaller. I only go to town when I have to and there had better be several reasons to be in town.

I live out of town, it isn't a huge drive to get to town - shorter than most of your commutes I am sure... but I digress. If I go to town to bring my youngest to pre-school (Tues. and Thurs.-- to aid my stalkers). I had better remember to: bring the recycling, go to the bank, run my errands, get my grocery shopping done, make that stop at the library, squeeze my volunteering in and visit my friend at her place of work (I have 2.5 hrs for this people!) The days of driving in for story time at the library and going right back home stopped a few years back when I figured out each trip to town was costing me at least $5-6 just for the fuel to get there and back. It is cut in half now.... but yet I continue on this path of not going to town unless necessary.
This is good, it is green. It saves us money (in more ways than one! if I am not driving I don't waste money on gas, annnnnd, if I am not in town I am not spending money at stores)However, this has been bad too as I find myself going a bit more crazy.
I was in town tonight to use my friend's sauna at the gym she owns. We visited and plan our upcoming trip - but I told myself it was mainly to help with my illness. I felt guilty the whole time for an "unnecessary" trip to town. I ever forced myself to stop at Walmart and return something post sauna...yeah- I looked good. uggggggg However, it was a blast and my day tomorrow is going to go so much better for having done that. Plus, I bet physically I feel better!
I need to start telling myself it is cheaper than therapy!
Yea for taking care of you...I'm so glad you feel better. Yea for saunas. Why oh why do we feel guilty about caring for ourselves? This has got to end here and now. I propose a club. Let's think of the rules together. I know, I felt guilty sitting and watching a movie in the middle of a perfectly good work day. But I felt so much happier after laughing for an hour and a half! The oven in Cabin #3 practically cleaned itself! Mwaah!
If a dear friend told you about such efficient errand-running, tempered with a little pampering, then said they felt guilty, wouldn't you tell them that they were being silly?
I love the image. I'm glad you have retained your thrifty ways as far as fuel consumption is concerned. But lose the guilt.
it's great to be penny wise but don't forget yourself, that is NOT a waste of money
I wish you wouldn't feel guilty for taking time for yourself! Love ya girl!
You have to take care of yourself first then it will be easier to take care of everyone else.
I am with everyone else when I say take care of yourself..build in a treat for yourself while you are doing all those other errands - let one on the list drop so you can do something for yourself.
I seem to not be able to leave Target without a treat for myself..earnings, lipstick, lotion. It's small but it's mine!
Some "you time" is definitely cheaper than a therapist, and there are no bad side effects :)
Regarding your comment on my Blog, she is most certainly not sleeping 6 hours, 5 if we're lucky, but usually 3.
you know i dont even drive the gas still messes with me because when gas goes up, bus fares go up. but unlucky for us, they dont lower it when it goes back down.
I agree-Gas prices are just outrageous. Even though I too remember it rounding up to nearly $4 a gallon and it has since then gone down to about $2.75 average, it's still nerve racking when you have to fill up and your not sure what it's going to be today.
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