Seriously though. A stress headache and an out of align neck can really throw me for a loop. I did try to embrace the gray cloudy ucky weather though. A book, a bath, a nap (with house work squeezed in between). I just kept telling myself that in the end it was better then the little padded room with the white jacket that buckles in the back.
I have tried to stay off from the computer since that only cranks on my neck more. I don't need virtual hugs. I am just spouting what is there - and what is there is a pain in the neck ;)
I am just reminding myself that - "It sounds like life"
But really, it is just life.
Life is not perfect.
Days like these help us appreciate the really good ones.
Two Words: Hot Yoga. I have had multiple aches and pains and tendonitis that have all been resolved through Bikram Yoga. You'll hate it, but it works.
I'll crank the heat - you come over and lead me.
You know what you need-A full body massage.
Ugh, I need one SO. BADLY!
Hubby tried to rub my shoulders last night and I'm so freakin' tense it hurt like hell. We all need to hop on over to Fragrant Muses place and just let her do her magic. Hope you feel better...be nice to yourself. xx
I totally need a full body massage. And I know for sure F.M. could help me out.
No virtual hugs from me, I don't even give reality hugs. But you will get; I hope the chiro helps. Deep tissue massage cleared up a pain in my neck that lasted 5 mos. Chiro 4 days/wk didn't help. Three trips to a masseuse who dug in, did the trick
After the kinks get worked out, try a mediation CD to keep them out! Think you'll like it...Have I ever led you wrong?
Trouper Thorn: I'm impressed you do Bikram. I loved the hot dry heat, it warmed my cold bones, made me super flexible...the long pose holding was the killer for me. I'm currently practicing Power Yoga with Baptiste...internal heat is generated pretty quickly after the 50th dog! Namaste!
It doesnt matter if it's life or not...when your body hurts, it is a big deal
great blog.. happy viewing it..
Chiropractic is good for realignment but sounds like you need soft tissue work, too. Wish I could be there with oils, hot stones and my loving fingers to make you feel better. Another thought: Louise Hay says that neck pain is a sign of resistance. Are you resisting something in your life?
Neat pic. I hope your neck pain is gone by the time you read this post. It isn't fun. As you know, I get a deep tissue massage every 3 weeks and it helps. Get one if you can. Does Math Guy-Dock Guy give massages?
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