It could be the thought of the -45/50 degree windchill outside, or the fact that the floor heat is off due to the energy saving "trickle" system we have it on. Or maybe it is that no matter how much the furnace runs it can't fight with the - 26 air temp.
Regardless, I am not going to finish that post tonight... oh wait this morning (as it is now after midnight) No, I am going to go crawl into my bed with my workout pants, long sleeve shirt, swetshirt and socks on - I am not even going to attempt to put p.j.s on tonight. Brrrrrrr........
I don't care I want my Nikon too!!!
That's a lovely picture, perfect lighting, cutest kid around. :)
Very cute picture.
I read most of the blogs after midnight thanks for posting
Ice fishing looks good on TV, but I think it's too cold for me. i need the warm sun.
i hate being cold. much rather be over heated. stay warm
Oh oh oh the picture is stunning!! But I agree..brrrrrrr....Can't wait to see the rest!!
If anyone would pose for you outside in the cold, it would be him. What a handsome boy you have there. One of 4 very handsome children!!! His eyes just twinkle, probably from the cold, but his smile would melt any cold away. He is my sweet heart. Your camera is working good! Love you more.
Our weather man, aka Husband mentioned just how cold you were up there. Bless your heart and your toes. I got a good giggle out of your boy wrapped in a comforter out in the cold posing for you. Love! What we'll do for love. I don't suppose there was another bribe involved?
What you all need to understand is that he wasn't posing. The knuckle head wouldn't come inside. he was determined to sit out in the dangerous cold to watch the tipup. gah! I couldn't force him in. I grabbed the blanket the auger was wrapped in and wrapped it on the wind side of him.
finally forced him in to warm up.
Beautiful picture, but it is definitely making me feel colder! It's in the teens (without the wind factor) and I am freezing!
That sounds like my son - once he's out in the snow, he refuses to come inside!
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