I am not a writer. I am unable to construct a proper sentence. My punctuation is hopeless, and, I use way too many commas. Verbs conjugate themselves only because English is my first (and only) language. I still have to look up the proper usage of then and than every time. There are days when I just let it go. I love using these ... and I use way too many parentheses. I couldn't beat a pentameter out of my words if my life depended upon it. Adverbs and other terms such as these are only a distant memory of7th grade English class.
Yet I am here every day pounding out posts... and you crazy people read it!
I write like I talk you see.
That is the the way it is going to be.
This post made me think of the book "Eats Shoots and Leaves". Ever heard of it?
for me, it's effect/affect. i find myself writing stuff in a different way to avoid choosing.
but i am a stickler on it's and its.
AMEN! I love these too......................................................
P.S. I write the way I speak. My B/F says I talk like a hic? I think I'm going to sock him in the gut!!
- Jennifer
I think that is the best way to write, its authentic. I much prefer it that way than someone trying too hard to sound intelligent - I can see right through it and it bores me.
Than, Then. Effect, Affect. Me too! I was told on an equine forum once that I sounded like an old school marm. I said 'thank you'! I write like I speak also. Except I sometimes swear more than I should and I try not to do that. : )
You just keep on righting...or writing..the way you do! It's (that's for julochka) all about the content and the affect it has will have some people be more effective in their thinking. Hey...I even included parentheses for you!
I love it! And I use way too many :)!!LOL ()....
I'm addicted :)
I gave you an award over at my blog today! You totally deserve it! If you like, come and pick it up.
Have a Happy Day!
But did you have to look up how to spell 'parentheses?' Did I spell it right?!
Often I write whatever pops into my head at the moment. Then.... I go back and edit or NOT!
proper use of the english language is boring! my english teachers would crap their pants if they read half the garbage i spewed out!
I am here because despite you improper use of then and than, you are a never ending supply of hope, wisdom, and entertainment.
Plus we e-stalkers need to stick together!
Love that you write from the heart-place!
I know I mess up my writing all the time! Oh well. I also write like I talk! I'm always afraid an English teacher is going to grade mine.:-)
Have a great Friday!
In response to the question in the title. 'Than' for comparative. That's for sure.
In response to the actual post. What matters is what's coming out of your soul. And souls have no respects for grammatical rules or syntax. Believe me, I spend the whole bloody time correcting mine ;-).
Greetings from London.
Don't feel bad. I am the same way! I heart ! and , way to much!! :-)
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