After much deliberation as to how to properly conduct a drawing of this seriousness the judges decided a good old fashion name drawing was in order. Under close observations (by Sir Lou) the judges printed off the followers list and cut out the names placing them in this official bowl.

1) for my current followers 1-49
2) for my new followers over 50
3) for those that left a comment
4) for follower #50
The winners are :
(now you can start the drum roll)
1) Jaykbee
2) Patterns and Perspectives (a fellow Minnesotan!)
3) Tangobaby
4) Looooong story -will remain anonymous.
If you get a chance - pop over and congratulate them!
Now I need to get busy and make the "Jules" and put together the other fun stuff I found for this giveaway.
loong story?! got to hear this one!
me too.
Congrats to all the winners :)
Awww! Thanks! I would like to thank everyone who made this award possible....:D YaY Jules
Alright "dearest" said with a hiss in my voice - I thought you were on my side ;) no details anonymous is anonymous
too fun! Loved the kitty photo! Also loved the photo of the pearl shell necklace. (hint, hint! Chirstmas is coming! tee-hee)
gratulations to all the winners
Wow, I'm lucky lately. Sending an email right away!
Hey, thank you! I never win stuff! Maybe my luck is changing!
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