If you are just joining the program - Jules' friend Amy threatened to hack into her site (which she has the capabilities of doing) and spill all of her secrets (which she has a few) if she didn't do a Ask Jules post. Link here for initial post
MagnificentDebra Jules, my question is: "How do I get rid of my fear of snakes?"
Since it is the bullsnake that you are afraid of (which is non-venomous and a

Candy's daily Dandy ok Jules, How does one deal with a horrible ex-husband? We

Now this is the question I have worried about answering... I do not have an ex that I have to deal with. However, I do know that when kids are in the mix - your behavior ALWAYS matters. So, I would say, always be very cordial and sweet -"kill him with kindness". Being a bitch will only give him proof of why you two aren't together. Plus being wonderful around your ex

Amy Is it wrong to have a bachelorette party after ten years of marriage - if you never had one in the first place - also is it pathetic to plan it yourself?
Hey Girls Just Wanna Have Fun I say go for it. I happen to know (since you are my

Well dearest, (this is from my hubby for those who aren't in the know) I would say all we can do is feed one child at a time, let's start with the four we have at home, since they are "always starving".
Amy I have this job and my boss is always adding things to my to do list. I already have a million things on my list. I am having trouble getting anything done because as I start something, a customer will come in and need help or want something from me. I lose focus so quickly and then can't get back on track or get needed tasks accomplished - instead I do things like visit my friend's blog.
May I suggest you up your ADD meds? Seriously though...
From Highly Effective People (from the book, I am too lazy to look the link up right now) tells us to prioritize our to do lists. List your top three priorities, only allowing yourself t

i.e. -
1) Clean House
a) Kitchen b) Bedroom c) Entry
2) Make Supper
a) Menu b) Shop c) Buy wine, forget to cook
This will help keep your list to a minimum. Once you have finished these tasks reprioritize and go again. As far as your friends blog - that is just motivation... definetly a necessity .

I always need what I don't pack. One pair of jean shorts rolled up into the corner of a suitcase doesn't take much room and can be worn more then once. However, capris and a skirt (with a pair of funky tights as back up) may serve you better then shorts. They work better if it is hot or cool.
At these times I ask myself - will it really matter if.....
Will it really matter if the socks don't get folded? No
Will it really matter if I don't get the permission slips signed and turned in? Yes
If that fails have a glass of wine and turn down the lamps and light a few candles (helps hides dust)-it all starts to look better
Jacquelyn When are you going to do a blog solely dedicated to making a marriage "successful"? (Or did I miss it?) I think it would be great for people to read.
I worry that I would sound preachy or superior. I have been married for 11.5 years and with dearest for almost 15 years. We very easily could have added to the divorce

Phew! That's done - let me know how much I made you suffer so Amy won't make me do an Ask Jules again.
Great Job Jules!
excellent post. I have been married 40 years and still don't know all the answers. I only know we have been there done that if you know what I mean. We got married when I was 17 and hubby 19, we were kids having kids. We survived!!!
oh Jules, you are a very wise woman indeed.
Your advice rings true to my pure heart and I am grateful for your advice.
You are sooo right. And sooo wise.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Interesting questions and great answers! Love your answer to your husband's question...very cute.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Thanks Jules! I am very happy - you should do this again later on down the road.
Yes, this was fun. Have to say tho...your answer was way too rational for my irrational phobia. Did I ever tell you that I literally crawled on top of my beloved daughter when she was in the 4th grade, just because I saw a water snake in our yard? I've jumped to the back of the couch when a snake "surprised" me on the television set....The good news is that the bullsnake was last sighted in the flower bed in the cabin across the street. That's the direction I suggested he go,towards. I think he'll be happy there.
thanks so much for taking the time to satisfy our curious minds...
i think you DO have the wisdom to pass on ...
thanks again :)
next time i have my glass of wine, and am hiding the dust under candle light i'll be thinking of you ;)
Great job! I enjoyed this very much.
This was some really well thought out advice! Nicely done :)
Although the fear of snakes thing *shudder* might require something more drastic. Like hypnosis. Or sedation. I'm just sayin'...
Thanks Jules! I love this feature - I think it should have a regular spot.
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