I have been walking a few mornings a week.
I need to be back before the kids awake - so that means my feet hit the gravel
at 5:30 a.m.
(Kacie, like my new waking shoes? Merrell's)
Now that the earth has turned enough to allow light to shine on me at this hour. I decided to bring the camera.

I was hoping to get a picture of these baby cows. But, my battery kept failing me and I couldn't focus or zoom. But, dang it I brought the camera to get a pic of the cows - so here it is!
Did you watch
"Yes Man" the movie with Jim Carrey - this pic reminds me of what it must have been like to be on the photo jogs with his girlfriend on the movie.

There is something entrancing about a sunrise. I am witness to wonderful sunsets often, but this night owl experiences far less sunrises...

They almost promise a brand new day.... to enjoy.
I am trying too, to catch a sunrise. Sunsets, yes, sunrises, not so much. But 5:30 am? I'll stick with whatever photos you provide!! Posted about the fab necklace/earrings today!
My goodness, that is early! Staying mentally and physically fit is challenging yet rewarding...More challenging for me.
I lived on a ranch in Montana for 4 years. Calving season was the best time of the year. Love your photo!
Sunrise is a magical part of the day!
5:30 a.m.? Seriously? Wow! You are a dedicated woman!
I LOVED that idea in Yes Man! What better way to start the day than embracing the dawn? I thought that was a hilarious movie, btw. Loved the band's seahorse hat things.
And the cows are cute. : ) I love it when the babies do that cute little run that they do...you know, that capering silly dance?
I used to walk the dog that early - sometimes I'd see coyotes, not cows.
I love how quiet it is that time of day.
Not any cows in my cement world!
When are you going to do an ASK JULES blog? You have so much to offer in the way of good advice (in your witty way) the blogging world deserves an ASK JULES week. I don't know what I would do without your advice daily - you always have such insight into any situation. I am going to go on a hunger strike until you do an ASK JULES blog week.
I get to see lots of cows in my neck of the woods!! But one can never see enough sun sets or sun rises...so thanks for sharing with us today!!
the only time i see sunrise is when i stay up 'til then. :-)
I am envious you have such a beautiful and peaceful place to walk. The best I can get are some random rabbits that sneak through the backyard.
I loved this post. It was really evocative and reminded how much I love to walk in the early morning. :-)
Yes, love the shoes!! More importantly, do YOU like them? Work well for ya? I sell that particular style of Merrell quite often at work. :)
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