Click to enlarge this pic
and REALLY look at it.
They are beautiful!
We have been told they are not
They are a weed
and We believed them.
It wasn't until I set this pic as my
that I realized they were wrong.
What else have they told us
That we believed
Without forming our own opinion....
They might be wrong...
Truth be told I have really looked at a dandelion before.
And I think they are beautiful despite others interjections that they are weeds.
They may grow in hordes like weeds, but it doesn't make them less beautiful!
They very often are wrong. Billions are made from herbicide sales. I let my dandelions bloom. They are pretty and they stop blooming after spring anyway. I think all of the chemicals are killing us. Sorry, I got on my soapbox for a second. They are beautiful and horses like to eat them!
You're right, they are stunning. Yellow is my favourite colour!
"When we decided to grow dandelions as a vegetable. the deva responded, I AM GREATLY HONORED TO COME INTO THE GARDEN BY THE FRONT DOOR! IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE BOND BETWEEN US AND MAN WHEN WE COME AT HIS DESIRE INSTEAD OF IN SPITE OF HIM, FOR WITH HIS AID THE STRUGGLE IS NOT SO GREAT AND THE PLANT CAN EXPAND AND DO ITS BEST. LET US SHOW WHAT WE CAN DO N COOPERATION. NEVERTHELESS, I HOPE TO BE GREETING YOU FROM ODD CORNERS. Cooperation indeed made a vast difference, because the dandelions we welcomed in grew to a relatively great size." taken from The Findhorn Garden, Pioneering a New Vision of Humanity and Nagure in Cooperation by THE FINDHORN COMMUNITY - Foreward by Sir George Trevelyan
They are indeed beautiful :)
and the color... it just brings a smile to your face... :)
thanks for making us smile Jules
We eat them..they are good for you and are great in salads.
Thank you so much for saying this! This morning, Mr. B&B asked me to weed the front garden today. I told him I didn't see any weeds. He pointed to the dandelions. I am totally emailing your post to him :-)
Beautiful picture and thoughts, Julie! Hmmmmmmm, what else have they told me that might be wrong? How about that chocolate isn't good for you...LOL It makes me smile :D
Have a Happy Day, Julie!
In Oregon I thought of dandelions as a weed but now, in a desert, I have a completely new appreciation for them. Anything that adds a little color to the day is very welcome. Well, except Scotchbroom. That's still a weed to me.
Good point! That photo does make them seem beautiful. Who knew!
Have a super Holiday!
- Jennifer
My husband loves dandalions.. everyone says they are weeds. but o so pretty. thanks for sharing
I love them even more as a dandelion clock (does this translate across the atlantic - you know when they are seeds) If you look really closely they are beautiful.
Hi Jules,
we are two of a kind.
I can see beauty and majesty in all plants.
Happy days
Well said and well posted. You just may have done for dandelions what van Gogh did for sunflowers!
I agree! I always loved dandelions! I would pick huge bouquets of them for my mom when I was little... haha hope she thought they were beautiful, too! And I still don't mind them. I don't get why people are always obsessed with spraying them in their yard.
p.s. My hubby has a small batch of dandelion wine fermenting!
Who couldn't love a dandelion? I remember as a kid...wayyyy back when...my dad would give us this implement that had a fork on the end and send us out to the yard to get rid of the "weeds". After about 10 minutes of this stupid chore, I vowed to love dandelions for what they are...beautiful sunny yellow flowers that grow anywhere. If you don't like 'em...mow 'em!
I too love dandelions.... but if you decide that there is an area that you wish to have less dandelions check put my Garden Sense blog!
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