Leave me a comment with your answer
Please formulate your answer before looking
at other people's comments.
Because I had so much fun with my last
bloggy giveaway
I am doing it again.
Here is what to do:
1) Post your response in a photo on your blog
Please use white paper& black marker
2) Link to this post on my blog
3) Just let me know you have done so in a comment so I (and others) can come visit.
4) If I get a good response I want permission to post a series of your picture and all other pics on
my blog in a slide show.
5) I will enter you in the giveaway
bloggy giveaway
I am doing it again.
Here is what to do:
1) Post your response in a photo on your blog
Please use white paper& black marker
2) Link to this post on my blog
3) Just let me know you have done so in a comment so I (and others) can come visit.
4) If I get a good response I want permission to post a series of your picture and all other pics on
my blog in a slide show.
5) I will enter you in the giveaway

from last give away
Join the fun! It is a revolution! Don't be left out! Tell your friends! Everyone is doing it.... what other annoying tag line could I add... or better yet I will just stop. There is still plenty of time and although I so appreciative of these two fine ladies for taking time to play along, it is going to make for a sad slide show with only two pics (sorry ladies :) Get going guys! I am off working - doing tough girl stuff today, so you have time.
Join the fun! It is a revolution! Don't be left out! Tell your friends! Everyone is doing it.... what other annoying tag line could I add... or better yet I will just stop. There is still plenty of time and although I so appreciative of these two fine ladies for taking time to play along, it is going to make for a sad slide show with only two pics (sorry ladies :) Get going guys! I am off working - doing tough girl stuff today, so you have time.
<-- Jenn from The
Savvy Cyber Mama
<-- Polly from Sotto Voce

<--- Serendipity from Believe Your Inner Child
The Westra World

<--- Jacquelyn from Kevin & Jacquelyn
<----Alicia from Boylerpf
..a superhero who doesn't really know what her super power is. yet. but i've been practicing my wonder woman jumps, just in case.
Hello Jules,
Just saw your comment on Dave King's blog at pics and poems and the 'I am ...' theme.
I did something along these lines a little while ago, which you might like to read here:
Intriguing... but I am now - alas - going off-line for a day or two. Another time, maybe.
I am a secret voice of will who discriminates the unbroken voices from before the end...
:) Thank you.
Love your blog.
derrick - thanks heading over now. Stop back anytime
I am blessed.
I am...and you are too!
I am the keeper and designer of my own happiness.
There are many things I am, but in my head I believe I am Wonder Woman and unlike Julocka I know what my super powers are!
I am more than I know myself to be.
going downstairs to grab a beer!
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
- Jennifer
I am... also intrigued... but short on time and a stinkin black marker right now... how much time do we have?
I am thankful for all the love in my life.
Can I add I am thankful for YOU!...LOL
Have a Happy Day, Julie :)
so tired and drowning in dust from our bathroom renovation and always procrastinating because I'd much rather eat graham crackers with my baby than read my stinking law books.
Julie I've deleted the previous comment but now I'm thinking I shouldn't have.
Only I've just realised that the real answer to the I AM question is... I am looking forward to the blog camp!
Off to my blog to post a photo
I am so much more than I allow myself to be.
Jules - the photo has been posted!
Just kidding! I will come up with a great answer and then photo! I am so stuffed up with allergies and my nose is raw! I am a mess!
I am...sick with a silly cold, and needing a nap!
I am comfortable to be around because I listen and I make eye contact.
Hi there first time to your blog....
I am..................ME
I am fearful that I will never be happy with my life.
I am l♥ved!
..came over from Missy's...fun give-a-way! I'll have to work on that one!
Great idea! Here's my post: http://thesavvycybermama.blogspot.com/2009/05/i-am.html
I am not going to be invisible (anymore).
After weeks of feeling ignored and invisible, I have decided this must change.
... not a superhero.
I will Play soon :)
I am....I'm not sure,,,confused? let me get back to you!
Hello Jules
I am...
too late to participate in the way you requested but
I am ..
so happy to be back in my home after my short excursion to NZ and feel incredibly blessed with my life...
Happy Days
I am a little behind the eight ball these days, but I'm working on getting things back under control.
This was so neat to read : )
Okay, posted. "I am... holding a secret..." Although the secret is revealed :)
I AM lucky, loved and growing by the minute...
posting to my blog now. :)
I finally got the card up on the blog. The hardest part was trying to find a black marker!!! Where are the kids when you need them???
Oh, darn, Julie. I made my sign with colored paper...LOL
I need to read directions better...LOL
Now I've got to do it again...
I'll put it up in a bit :)
I am...brain wayyyyyyy to tired to think, perhaps I can swing back manana and think on it.
Right now, I am a person with heavy eye lids, and an empty wine glass who's in need of some shut eye. I am also a person who's terrible at contest. I can't even remember what it is we're suppose to do...argh...can I plead too old...or perhaps the red dye from todays hair appointment leaked into my wee little brain causing permanent red damage. lol
I too hope they've made headway saving the lighthouse.
Thanks for this, Julie! I have posted me response here:
OK, I put up my sign. I am.....in the game!
i finally got my photo up. I had to wait for Audrey to get home so I could. We tried to make our best serious faces.
Enjoy. Here is the link
I am an equine lover!
I know I don't think I've ever posted on your site but I saw Adams post and thought I'd join in the fun. and will have a post and picture up in a minute at my site.
I finally got the slideshow going. Drawing will be on Sunday night CST time, keep posting and sending friends over. I will continue the slideshow for as long as there is interest. I love this!
Hey jules, i just finally did my blog. after several days of not having the ability to upload my picture, i sort of modified yours. hope thats okay.
but blogged, photo'd, linked, invited.
Hey Juls,
was reading Dave's comments and found you. How interesting.
Was really lovely looking at all the "I am pictures".
Great Idea :)
"I am" is up on my blog at last! Thanks Jules, this was a great deal of fun and introspection.
I updated with MY picture now.
I am is up on my blog...what a fun project!
Per usual, I am cutting it close.
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