Monday, January 11, 2010

Who are you when no one is looking?

I am NOT the same person when I am alone as I am when I am surrounded by others. Now, granted my whole core self does not change. But, I relax more.

I am goofier when no one is around. I have been known to sing and I could be seen dancing around the house (neither of which anyone should have to suffer through). I talk to myself and I even answer... why not? It still matters what I look like when I am alone. Even if I decide to stay in my pajamas - I make sure to look decent enough that I could answer the door if I had to, and not be embarrassed.

I take things a bit slower and breath a little easier; it is possible to do that when you only have to worry about yourself. I tend to clean more, simply because I know that I am not going to mess it up, it will stay that way. I smile more and I find things funnier - I laugh at myself a lot (remember I talk to myself, apparently I am funny ;)

If I am going to do something that I enjoy - like sewing, make jewelery, making soap, writing, taking and editing pictures, blogging... I am more likely to do these things on the rare event that I am alone. Oh... and I read as I do things like cooking.

What else do I do differently when I am alone
(If ever, I am alone for an extended period of time)

I eat a small bit when I get up followed by lunch at 10 am, supper around 3:30-4 and a snack around 8-9pm. (Now if I didn't live in Minnesota that would be just right for breakfast, lunch and dinner.) The food that I make tends to take more time to prepare. There is no one to whine about wanting their meal NOW.

I sleep in until about 9am, nap around 2, and kick it into high gear at 3pm and stop around 2am (I am most productive during these times). Where I crawl into a bed and sleep from corner to corner across the mattress.

Finally, thoughts on being alone:: I am the youngest child in my family. My brothers were out of the house when I was in early Jr. High. This allowed my parents to finally get out of the house and do some things - so I was often alone. I got used to being alone, and I actually enjoy it. In fact some days (weeks/months) I crave it. I remember when the kids were young and I had reached my breaking point, hubby would say - I will watch the kids, go do something. But, really, all I wanted was to be alone in my own house, to do my own thing.

Who are you when no one is looking?

side note: the lady in this pic looks like my mom (kinda)


Kavita said...

"I am goofier when no one is around. I have been known to sing and I could be seen dancing around the house (neither of which anyone should have to suffer through). I talk to myself and I even answer... why not? "

That could be me, you know!:D

Marion Williams-Bennett said...

I am finally reaching a point in my life when I am the same person when I am alone as I am when I am with people. That took a lot of time, a lot of growth and some pain but it's a good place, an easier way to live. And it's much, much more fun!

Anonymous said...

I am just a quiet person, pet the cat and dog, read, drink a lot of coffee, take a walk alone, take a nap. When no one is looking.

Cyndy said...

I am pretty much the same person in solitude or in other company. I am liking being a hermit, though, more and more, but I think that is because there is such a flurry of life with my large household that peace and quiet is welcomed at any opportunity. I am also more creative during these times. And, yes, I do answer myself, too!

f8hasit said...

I like being alone.
Not always, mind you, but I sure do enjoy my OWN time...

And I as well have been known to break out in song or dance as the whim hits me. It's a good thing my dogs don't appreciate music.

Anonymous said...

I am SOOOO lazy when no one is looking. And generally more cheerful. Which is curious.

Cherished By Me said...

I love being on my own too. I need some space regularly to recharge my batteries. I love having the house to myself. ;0)

Stephanie Meade Gresham said...

I am confident alone. And my singing voice is louder, better. I am clumsier, but nobody can notice. I talk to myself and the dogs and I sniff my armpits. Being alone is comfy.

I love this post.

Will Burke said...

Amen! Let's hear it for Hermit Time! I miss it...

Deb said...

I love being alone. We introverts I like that. We recharge and energize in our alone time. I think I'm becoming more and more authentic when I'm outside...I hope so. It is too draining to be someone else!