Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Event

As you know yesterday I was off to an "event"
It was a Mom's Night Out

Put on by the Early Childhood Program here in town
where my Wee One's have spent their earliest years.

The Mom's promoted their wares

Food was set

The band played

People came (not as many as I had hoped)

Mom's got to just relax for a bit

Speakers informed and entertained us

The committee members got to feel pampered and beautiful
(something unknown to new moms)
by being "models" in the fashion show. Clothing from here.

I am in the red shirt with capri pants
My girly girl is in the brown skirt with jean jacket
side note:
This group of woman above
I believe could move mountains
I am in admiration of what we as a group can do....

And my hair?
I need not have worried, Final Touch Salon was there
to save the day and promote themselves - they whipped
it into shape and gave me a quick and amazing "up-do"
Thank you Casey and Jennie!


TheChicGeek said...

Looks like fun and your girly-girl is georgeous!
Have a Happy Day

? said...

Your blog is so unique and I love it. I really do.

Coachdad said...

Sounds like fun! Thanks for all your comments and visits to my blog. Hope to be making more visits to yours now that I have access to a computer at home again.

julochka said...

looks like it was a success. also the hair! :-)

Anonymous said...

the pics look great!! I love your daughter's skirt and jean jacket!!!

I even recognized my cousin in one of the pics!!

Anonymous said...

You and girly girl are beautiful!!!! Did she have fun?

Deb said...

Looks like a blast! And how great that you have a record of that day! I agree with Anonymous, you and your firly girl are beautiful!!!

Deb said...

Oops, I meant girly girl!

Sandra said...

Now that looks like a good time! You AND your hair look great. : )

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

You may have been out of practice, but you sure look great along with your girly girl!