Monday, March 23, 2009

Surgery Today

photo from here
When you are under
From anesthesia
You don't dream
You see nothing
Only black...


Alicia @ boylerpf said...

I'll be praying for you..I hope all goes well.

Anonymous said...

thinking of you Julie! hope it went well. I had to work today so sorry didn't call you back. I saw "wee one #4" this morning at ECFE, he was very impressively zipping up his coat by himself!!

leah - moxiethrift on etsy said...

wishing your nothingness turns into crisp spring mornings and warm afternoon sun beams through open curtains very soon.

Jessi said...

I hope it went well today, without a hitch! And here's praying for a speedy recovery :)

Coachdad said...

Hope everything went well... I actually had crazy dreams when I was under.

TheChicGeek said...

That sounds scary. I hope everything went well and you heal quickly. I'll say some prayers for you :)

julochka said...

hope that it was quick and that you're up and about again in no time!


Samantha S said...

Thank you for stopping by my way. Sorry to hear your having surgery. All my best wishes to you, hope your feeling great real soon. Samantha.

Polly said...

Hope all goes well, I'll be praying for you! Polly x

Just Jules said...

Thanks all. I got home at 9:00 last night and am feeling alright today. Some discomfort and I feel like I just got off a merry go round, but I am home and it feels lovely to sit in the sun of my living room window.

I appreciate all the well wishes and am continually surprised at how quickly blogging the people in it have become part of my life.

I appreciate everyone here-thanks

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Jules-glad to know you are home and all is well.

My word verification says it best;

sending you many "hugisto"!!!!

Just Jules said...

I love WV's !
Julochka has me hooked on coming up with meanings - I do it everytime I have to do a WV.... too funny.

thanks everyone for the lovely comments to my not so cheerful post. I am tired of repeated surgeries and I guess it was getting to me ... all is fine now.