I still remember my first couple of followers (near and dear friends of mine). I also remember the next few people which I didn't know, that started following me- I thought "You crazy people!"
So in light of my new friends, I want to celebrate. Since it would be a logistics nightmare to have you all over for a party (Polly in London, Liss in Australia, Julie in Denmark, even Julie in San Fran... etc etc.... not to leave anyone out, but, you get where I am going here)
I have decided to keep up with the
"give away"
I have decided to keep up with the
"give away"

So, I know there are more of you out there dancing through my blog than I have followers. This is your chance. (So, lurkers, won't you come out?) I will be giving away something fabulous for my 50th follower.
But, all of my faithful bloggy friends should not be left out either. So, I will throw all of your names in a hat and give away something to one of you too. I can't list what it is yet cuz it will kind of matter if a male or female is the winner... I have a few ideas swimming up in the vast expanse of my brain :)
Edit: So, I just walked away and thought of this brilliant idea.
Why stop at 50?
Anyone who signs up past 50 will be put into a drawing pool all their own. Plus for those f
That's right -
you will be entered into two separate drawings for two very different, yet fabulous, prizes! Because you guys have been there all along. Do I sound like an info-mercial or what?!
may you get 50 more today!
lurkers drive me bonkers. wtf.
i'm already a follower, so i can't sign up again, but know the giddiness of 50. :-) so go girl!!!
Bookmarked your site a few days back to come and read and picked today :) I too have been trying to find a way to get some faithful readers to delurk. So hope this works well :)
I see I am 49 in your list of followers, but hopefully that paved the way for someone to be the 50th today!!
Its fun to find fellow Minnesota bloggers, especially from Bemidji... was rooting for the hockey team to win it all at the Frozen Four!
Good luck on fifty!
Well...I can't unfollow and then follow again...don't want to! I enjoy your blog too much to miss every day! Glad I'm not a lurker (that is a weird name).
Will you throw in a set of Ginsu steak knives too? Tee-Hee! Looking forward to hearing how this turns out! xxoo
Well, there ya go!
I love it! #50... fun.
Ok, everyone else, keep signing up to follow (if you want a doze of this everyday - yikes!) because remember there is a separate drawing for those that sign up after #50 too....
So much love and giveaways today.
You are a sweetheart, that's why you have so many followers :)
Have a Happy Easter and a Perfect Weekend, Julie!
Kelly aka The Chic Geek
You're adorable, and I already follow! Have a super weekend and Easter!
I love your blog also. Hoppy Easter!
Great idea the giveaway! I love your blog. Good luck with the drawing and crossing fingers for your #50.
You are such a clever woman! Go for 100!
Missy if I get to a 100 before the end of the weekend I don't know what I would do - how crazy!
Thanks everyone.
OK I'm 51...and I am 51!!! It's a sign!
Too funny. Lurkdom. I wonder about the lurkers too. For a long time I thought I didn't have any readers. Oh boy was I surprised!
Hey, I bet you'd have fun signing up on a Christmas card list...I did it and I got to send cards to strangers who jut needed to be thought of.
I really like your blog, very nice.
Oh... uh... about the missing diaper bag over on the sidebar there... (oh dear, hate to be the one to say it but...) are you sure you didn't lose a kid at Walmart? Happened to me once when I had a passel of kids. Major panic!!!(grin)
So how does it feel to be popular? : )
I just love give aways...COUNT ME IN!!!
Jumped over from SITS, now I am officially stalking you... what a fun giveaway.
Love the animal photos!
Now it is your turn, come on over to my blog, I have a super cute Monogram Bag giveaway going on!
That is very sweet of you to do that. I love competitions. I must do one myself!!
I have lost track of the rules...I'm signing up but I'll leave it up to you where I might fit in this BIG give away!! FUN!
Oh pick me, pick me Jules!! I think your pretty and smart and a great blogger and witty and....
did I mention pretty?
Hope you and yours have a blessed Easter and......
Steady On
Reggie Girl
=) Oh this is so fun!! So excited to see your 50th follower, and whose name will come out of the hat! =)in the meantime, wish you a lovely weekend! warm greetings all the way from East Borneo!
Thanks, Julie! Congrats on having so many new friends out there in blogland :-)
Lurking is so easy ... thanks for the encouragement to come out of the shadows!
Yeah, I love giveaways!!!
You have so many followers too!
Way to go!
i must say, i was glad to get your e-mails today! I am here!
also I am a bit confused.
did you? or did you not get my e-mail from my work email address?
if you did NOT let me know. IF you DID just respond and I can finish doing what I do best. Fixing stuff!
Go go go! You'll get it! I'm already signed up but I'd do it again if I could.
I'm already signed up, but I hope you get to 100 before the end of the weekend! Polly x
Ohhh heyyy! I see you have made it to 53!! Congrats Jules!!! Here's to 100 more!!!
Happy Easter to you and yours!!
happy easter to you! i think i am already following you....hope i can get entered anyway. congrats on your 50+ followers...yeah! i like this sort of giveaway. good stuff.
I found you on Julie's blog (julochka). I became a follower of your blog because you live only 1.5hours southeast from me! I've never been on another blog with a person so close to me:) (TRF-the most boring place ever)
I came over to comment! I don't get to comment as much as I'd like on the blogs I follow, but then on certain days I play catch up! Congrats on the followers. I recently passed 100 and feel so amazed and grateful!
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