Planning is not impossible for me - I have pulled off big events successfully:Our wedding, a large party (vow renewal) last summer, Women's Events in town with speakers/vendors and food, and of course countless birthday parties, even vacations across the U.S. However, it is not something that comes naturally to me.
However, we can be as turned around and detoured as possible on a road trip on back roads we have never been on and yet Dearest knows to take two rights and a left to put us back on the main Hwy. and we end up minutes from our destination. Not, sure- but I think he has magical powers (cuz to me it seems we have just gone in circles! one cow starts looking like the next).

Also, do not, I repeat do not give me East, West, North, or South as a point of reference and a means to get me somewhere. I need "girl directions" - turn at the pretty blue house with the fountain in the front, and street names work too. However, directions like "...hit hwy 2 and go W. for 8/10 of a mile, then you are gonna want to go N. (which really is North but the road is marked as E.... but direction giver doesn't state this) yeah - then stick to the main road and you can't miss it. (again forgetting to tell me main road turns off several times - uggg)
I am not incapable of reading a map. I can get myself from point A to B. Again, it is just not my strong point.
That being said
I have been put in charge of our itinerary for the weekend.
It is after all our Independence Day here in the U.S. With the holiday being on the weekend the celebrations run the whole weekend long.I have been put in charge of our itinerary for the weekend.
But, seriously? Me? The planner? After 15 years with Dearest you would think he knows this is not my strong point. (am I driving home that this is not my strong point?)

I am trying. I went to our local chamber of commerce and got a schedule of planned events (ahhh good thing because the parade is on Sunday - I would have had my chair out and waiting on Saturday! ) I have even looked ahead at the projected forecast to see what would be the best day for which activities. Yet, alas my itinerary is looking more like Swiss cheese then a smooth pleasing piece of Colby Jack which is perfectly mixed. Sigh...
I don't even wear a watch anymore- who put me in charge?
I will be back soon after the end of the weekend festivities and I will let you know what became of my planning - who knows. Swiss cheese after all tastes really good mixed with the right meat.
LOL Relax, take it easy! It will all work out and you need some holes in the schedule just for relaxing. Have a great weekend, Happy 4th!
Ha ha...I am the planner AND the doer around here. MrSpud excels in 'doing as he's told'. It's a win:win situation.
Happy 4 July, or July 4th as you say in the US ! x
Is this why you haven't written on my bucket list post?Hmmmm...will be interesting to see what happens this weekend. By the way, NF (intuitive-feelers) do not have a good sense of direction, and are not linear thinkers...planning is really not our strong point! sigh, we do have others!
Hello there,
Just found your blog and I enjoyed this post. I am SUCH a planner and sometimes it drives me NUTS. I need to plan less sometimes and just DO. Where is the balance??? Anyway - have a great 4th of July!
i am a planner and the wife is the doer. its amazing our differences in time concepts.
happy 4th!!!!!!!!
Jules that was really interesting as I imagined you’d relish in planning stuff. You made me laugh with girly directions, it is so true but last year I got given directions to a place and was told to turn left at the house with the roster sign on it. It has taken me a year to find the house with the roster sign. LOL!!!
I always get the job of planner weather it to be with work or personal, I enjoy it probably why I have built 3 houses.
I hope you sort out the holes in the Swiss cheese and have a great 4th of July.
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