Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Puppy Love

Today was Kindergarten Field Trip day. I made it out to the State Park in time for the nature walk. I have been here a few times already this year and even posted about it here and here.

But today was by far the most fun. It is so neat to see how these wee ones have grown this year. I sent to school a frightened tiny boy and saw a more confident little man today. (that's him in the yellow sweatshirt)
It was also fun to see how the forest floor is waking up. Anyone know what type of flower this is?
Then I got to bring home this little girl for the afternoon. Dolly the beagle came out for the walk and extreme socialization but returned home with me while her owner stayed for the rest of the field trip. Oh puppy love! She is such a good dog and so darn cute! What is it about puppy breath?!
Don't forget to submit your questions to Ask Jules here - I will be answering on Friday.


bearer of three said...

i have no idea what that flower is but it is beautiful....and its great your son is more independent...wait till he is in second grade and on a team like my daughter it gets even more

Catherine said...

That is indeed one cute puppy! Not sure what the flower is, but I like the simplicity of it!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

You've got me on the flower. That puppy is adorable and you're right about puppy sweet!

Deb said...

ahhh! sweet post. I never thought about puppy breath before, but yes, it is much better than dog breath....I just let my new neighbor puppy lick my neck,,,,something I wouldn't let my dogs do ever! Ha. I'll try to send you a photo of Annie, adorable mini-australian sheppard. Can't wait until Fri for my answer and the others as well. Fun!

Missy said...

This pics made my heart warm! I love them!

Vicky said...

I feel the same way about my kindergartner, so much more confidence and swagger :) I have no idea what the flower is, but I want to smell it and touch the leaves, they look soft! And if I took that puppy home, I would have such a hard time giving him back!

Laura said...

Isnt it awesome to watch them transform like that!! I am going through it with my son in Gr 1! He amazes me everyday!

And that puppy is beyond cute!

TheChicGeek said...

Hi Julie :) What a perfect day! It looks like the sun is finally shining in Minnesota...LOL

I really love that flower. It's so interesting and pretty. Do you know what it is called?

Have a Fun Day with the puppy :D

Delwyn said...

Hi Jules,
the puppy and the flower are both adorable.

The flower reminds me of the work of the Japanese paper cutting artist I wrote about a little while back. Did you see that post?

Happy Days

Polly said...

I'm glad spring has finally come to your place. wonderful photos, and that puppy is just delightful!

Anonymous said...

aww the pic of Dolly is very cute!! she's such a good dog, I agree. must be something "good" about its family!!! :)

Lorac said...

Hi Julie! I think the flower maybe a Bloodroot. When you pick them the exude a orangy red sap, looks like Iodine. When I was little my brother and I would pick Bloodroot and paint ourselves with them. Love the puppy! I really miss having a dog.

Alexandra said...

I think the flower is bloodroot, too. You can check it out for yourself by searching Wildflower field guide, North America

I see how Dolly got her name. What a sweetface!

Anonymous said...

That is precious.