Do NOT tell anyone where I am hiding.
I have washed and folded and put away laundry for two days.
I spent the last 3 hours gathering clothes for our trip.
They are all stacked into neat piles on my son's twin bed...
(It takes up the whole bed, and that is just for the kids)
Now, do I put these clothes in
suitcases, laundry baskets, storage tubs?
Uggg the looming questions of packing.
Although I haven't said how long we are going it is more then a few days.
I am off now, sneaking.
Trying to get my work done while avoiding my family whose job it is to serve as a human obstacle course. Picture it - oldest darting at me with a lost toy concern, youngest is hungry (man that boy is always hungry) hubby sneaks up behind wondering if I really need three pairs of sunglasses in the van (what? I do!) Girly is coming in from the left to tell on someone, whoa - almost got tackled by child #3 who is crying about ... who knows what. He always cries!
Alright off to locate 5 more suitcases (my bag is packed - wooo hooo!) and then to negotiate stacks and stacks of clothes into them only to most likely find I will need storage totes or something like a camel with side packs to carry all of the stuff a family of 6 requires to travel cross country and camp along the way.
Actually... now that I think about it - leave mommy alone, she is going to find a drink first!
Trying to get my work done while avoiding my family whose job it is to serve as a human obstacle course. Picture it - oldest darting at me with a lost toy concern, youngest is hungry (man that boy is always hungry) hubby sneaks up behind wondering if I really need three pairs of sunglasses in the van (what? I do!) Girly is coming in from the left to tell on someone, whoa - almost got tackled by child #3 who is crying about ... who knows what. He always cries!
Alright off to locate 5 more suitcases (my bag is packed - wooo hooo!) and then to negotiate stacks and stacks of clothes into them only to most likely find I will need storage totes or something like a camel with side packs to carry all of the stuff a family of 6 requires to travel cross country and camp along the way.
Actually... now that I think about it - leave mommy alone, she is going to find a drink first!
that sounds like my house before a trip too! except i just have 1 child, but my dog is pretty demanding too!
Good luck, super mom! :)
With all the work to prepare for and then clean up after a family trip - it often doesn't feel like a vacation for Mom! Hope you find some time to relax while away.
Adam- forgot to mention the dog is coming with too - She is trying to find as much dirt as a Pomeranian can and then running and hiding in the van, as not to be left, but to be sure to be a mess before we go.
Sarah - I am a super mom - see this post. I have radiation on my side! http://itisjustjules.blogspot.com/2009/03/double-dose-of-radiation-superhero.html
Bonnie- It is not a vacation - I have stopped referring to this as a vacation, that is what I am going on in the Fall with my friend when I pack one bag and jump a plane. NO, this is a trip. A trip is much different and far more stressing!
Deb, before you comment the time spent with you will be a vacation it is the time on the way and home that are the trip!
Aww! Yes, we will have a fabulous time together. I do not underestimate the effort it takes to get ready for a trip. It's the absolute hardest part of any journey.
I adore the pics of you hiding in the laundry. So glad to see that you have not lost your sense of humor along the way. Do not pack it, what ever you do...keep it handy. You will need it. I'm not talking hysteria here, just the ability to laugh at what is and know that you can't control it...you might as well enjoy it.
Lots of love and kisses. Mwaah!
I See You!!! Nice eyebrows.
You have been working girl. When you are on a trip, kids can wear their clothes more than one time, unless they are visibly dirty. You don't have to wash as much and not take along as much. A win, win situation.
Love Mom
I won't tell as long as you come and fold and clean my laundry!!! I hate laundry with a passion... I do on a must needs basis!
Have fun on your trip! I"m so jealous!
oh man...sounds like you could use a drink... good luck with all the packing ;)
oh my goodnes...that's hilarious. i hope you got that drink (and a second one), it sounds like you needed it!!
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