You know it,
You've Heard it.
I Can Do It Myself MOM!

Now only 4 (almost 5) years later he is the last one at home. We can "quick" run into the grocery store. ( -vs- carrying a car seat and an infant and two toddlers being kicked along, praying that they don't dart in front of a car, while balancing a diaper bag and a grocery list) I can decide to stop into the thrift store to see if they have a coat in a kid's size 8 and it really is a quick stop in.
With him, like the others, in the beginning of the summer I thought there was no way he was ready for pre-school in the Fall. Much less ready for Kindergarten the next year. But, he grew over the summer. What is it about the fresh air and sunshine? Not just grew physically (although he is as big as his older brother) but has grown in maturity and attitude.
This boy is ready, and he CAN do it himself.
You've Heard it.
I Can Do It Myself MOM!

Well now for two mornings a week - this is true. You will have to buddy. Mommy will not be there.
My 4 (almost 5) year old is a pre-schooler this year. Whaaaaaaaat?
My 4 (almost 5) year old is a pre-schooler this year. Whaaaaaaaat?
It was only a few years ago (duh- 4 almost 5!) When I looked into the rear view mirror and saw four car seats lined up with four tiny faces looking at me - I knew I was in trouble. Talk about overwhelming!Now only 4 (almost 5) years later he is the last one at home. We can "quick" run into the grocery store. ( -vs- carrying a car seat and an infant and two toddlers being kicked along, praying that they don't dart in front of a car, while balancing a diaper bag and a grocery list) I can decide to stop into the thrift store to see if they have a coat in a kid's size 8 and it really is a quick stop in.
With him, like the others, in the beginning of the summer I thought there was no way he was ready for pre-school in the Fall. Much less ready for Kindergarten the next year. But, he grew over the summer. What is it about the fresh air and sunshine? Not just grew physically (although he is as big as his older brother) but has grown in maturity and attitude.
This boy is ready, and he CAN do it himself.
How fun it is to see them grow and be independant.. mom too. :)
Sure, independent now, but just try taking a bath, reading a book or having a phone conversation and suddenly everything needs your attention!
He really has grown up, wow! great pic of you two. He sure looks like his dad!
awwww, he's so cute! You're going to enjoy you couple of hours of freedom.
The first taste of a little freedom is almost overwhelming! I have to adjust for a bit because without having to fulfill the needs of little boys all day, I don't remember how to think and act just for myself!
Enjoy your last bit of time with the last one at home!
Wahoo! I love when they can finally do everything themselves! Then I can sit back and watch them try and the entertainment never ends!
i loved the days when i no longer toted the diaper bag around. thise days are back....for now
He does look like your dearest. I can't believe he is going to school. Thats what we grow them up for I guess!! but it still is hard. Enjoy every minute you can with ALL of them. I sit here and relive my childrens' childhood through your children's eyes. I was immature and didn't appreciate them like I wished I had. I loved them but always was thinking, "I can't wait until they walk, talk, get potty trained, etc. etc. I now know, I wished my childrens childhood away and it went fast! I didn't think so at the time but I do know it now.
Ah so lovely! four children, gulp. I admire you so much. xx
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