While making a quick call to my friend Debra @ Sojourner on the way home tonight I ended up speaking with her husband.
I mentioned there was no need to leave a message, I had called with a little / quick question. He, being the wise man he is, grabbed onto this seemingly insignificant line of wording and used it to say something quite intriguing, and true.
He said (and I paraphrase) : It is important to ask the little questions for you will find that often times they are connected to much bigger questions and thoughts.
Much like the thread you pull from a knit piece - that small thread may unravel much bigger things.
A brilliant notion I pondered for the rest of the night.
Clever fella! I've got a long, quiet morning ahead of me, and I'm sure that'll spin through my caranium (sp?) a few times...
Good point he made.. and definitely something to think about.
true true.
ask em all
big or small.
There is no try only do ~ Yoda
So....what's the 'little' question? Hmmm?
smart man!
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