::I stayed up far too late far too many nights in a row. My brain buzzing with thoughts, ideas, ponderings, possibilities, words, pictur

So much on my mind.
::How to put my ideas into play. How to fit new things into my old life. How to keep my head level and my mind open..... A new project.
::Old things. Time to move on from some of the old things that have encompassed me. Some people who dou

::I moved my craft corner back to the back room - it is dusty and unused. I found a new medium.
::Seeing something in one's head and being able to get others to see it - takes trust, hope, faith, an open mind, and a bit of daring on both people's part - mine and them.

::Boxed - how does one blend in and stand out at the same time. How can you not be the crazy mumbling lady on the street but yet not be a carbon copy, nodding, be what you want me to be, fake self? Interesting concept. Listening to my inner voice is what I am going to do... too bad my inner voice argues with itself.
::So much to share, yet I must zip my lip and sit on my hands for just a little bit longer.
::Know that my absence here on my blog means I am working hard behind the scenes in the real world on something. Something that I have found peace in. I will share as soon as I can.
pics from vi.sualize.us
Wow, so much to think about here ... my head is kind of spinning, so I can't imagine what yours is like ;) Hope all is well!!!!!!
hope all is well and it's great when the inner voice gets too loud. let's see which voice comes out more often :-)
I, too, have been immersed in real life and quite enjoying it. I'm pretty sure my blog's feelings are hurt.
get the peace when and where you can Sweets!
What's up girl friend? Miss you.
real life can be overwhelming for sure. That is what is so great about our blogs!
I for one definitely do not fit into a box!
Have a great day!
Gosh, I feel like the 'mumbling box lady' (TOO FUNNY) on many days. But know that love usually pulls me through. Know that you are loved during this transition time...I see the butterfly through the chrysalis, I really do Jules!
Look hon I know you are working on this HUGE project but look like I told you before I don't think a social networking site for just pimps and hoes is really going to take off!! :-)
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