You know what I love about road trips? You come back a changed person if you are the same when you return... you did it wrong.
New places,
new experiences,
new tastes and smells.
My favorite...different people.
The planning, and packing situating, and organizing all becomes worth it when you pile into your vehicle - a hot cup of home brewed coffee on your lap, the sun rising in your face. Followed by a day with miles behind you and the sun setting on your back as you have a cup of coffee from a random gas station you stopped to fill up at. The possibilities endless.
Life is lived in the small moments between the planned ones. I never remember the route we plan, the things we predetermined we would see... no, it is always the detours that took us in circles, or the best pie ever at the restaurant we HAD to stop at for a bathroom emergency. The brakes going out in the mountains (twice) or our fuel line coming off on our way up to the Black Hills..... yes these are the things that make a trip memorable.
Much like life my friends. It is the unplanned events that seem to be where the memories are. Those are the times you remember....
What unplanned memory will you make?
"Lost Highway"
In my rearview mirror
My life is getting clearer
The sunset sighs and slowly disappears
These trinkets once were treasure Life changes like the weather
You grow up, grow old or hit the road 'round here
So I drive, watching white lines passing by
With my plastic dashboard Jesus, waiting there to greet us
Hey, hey, I finally found my way Say goodbye to yesterday
Hit the gas there ain't no brakes on the lost highway
Yeah I'm busting loose, I'm letting go
Out on this open road
It's independence day on this lost highway
I don't know where I'm going
But I know where I've been
Now I'm afraid of going back again
So I drive, years and miles are flying by
And waiting there to great us
Is my plastic dashboard Jesus
Oh patron saint of lonely souls
To tell this boy which way to go
Guide the car, you got the keys
Farewell to mediocrity
Kicking off the cruise-control
And turning up the radio
Got just enough religion
And a half tank of gas come on, let's go
I finally found my way
Say goodbye to yesterday
Hit the gas there ain't no brakes on the lost highway
Yeah I'm busting loose, I'm letting go
Out on this open road
It's independence day on this lost highway
True Dat. The moments in between, for sure. Cept for the coffee and the before daylight stuff.
Good post.
I love going on adventures with you.
not a show stopper, but last saturday b found a random auction online an hour away and we went. seedy part of town, unfamilar faces except for his. we make a good team, him and me. a lot was talked about that day, sometimes with words, sometimes without.
Not a huge BJ fan but I do like that song.. and you are right it is what you don't expect that changes you most.
Good post, and great choice of song -- am not a hgue Bon Jovi fan, never into their big hair day stuff, that being said really like this one and their newer mellower stuff.
LOVE this! Just what I needed to read while I'm trying to get settled to a new place for my new job. I've been lurking here since Saturday but can't seem to make my comment go through. I hope it makes it this time.
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