A yard of fabric and an idea from a blog - What inspired me last night.
I dropped the oldest wee one off at his Tae Kwon Do class and had one hour to pick up the three items I forgot to pick up earlier at the grocery store. So, I decided to head downtown (I love our downtown) so, headed downtown for a little "visual therapy" I wanted to look at pretty things. I ended up as I usually do in the fabric section of Ben Franklin. I was thinking of a great flannel fabric to make some new pillowcases when this red and white floral vintage like fabric caught my eye. I had to have it, I kept going back and looking at it and feeling it. But, what would I do with it? I can't come home with a yard of fabric and no plan again!
But still, I had to make something with it. So, of course being from MN I would never do anything for myselves so I thought - teacher present. An apron. So it began. I didn't have a pattern so I had to wing it. I was inspired not only by the fabric but also from this great blog Modobject at Home . She made an apron out of a pillowcase. With that idea in mind I copied the shape of a pillowcase, added a little flair and loved the results. The tie on mine is quilt binding. I figured it would stand the test of time and it was easy to just slip on and sew. I found a recipe online for making a "tasty teacher" and included this in the pocket.
Here is what I ended up with. Enjoy!
1 comment:
Woohoo!!! I love it! A job well done. And, isn't that fabric gorgeous.
Thanks for showing me!
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