So, it is that time again.... it is time to Ask Jules.
We did this once before. It was fun (she says ignoring the knowing look from friend Amy who made her do it) Plus Adam missed it last time. So, we are going to do it again (not sure who the other part of "we" is)
It is simple to play along. Submit a comment below and I will share my wisdom (she says laughing) with you next week.
To see how it all went down last time click here - or use it for inspirations for your own question. Don't be shy, but, do know that I am brutally honest most times. I tell you how it is, not what you want to hear... ok, ask away.
Ok, keeping it light and fun; how do you think they get the caramilk inside the Caramilk bars? (PS: I know the REAL answer. But I want a fun answer teehee).
I'd like to know about when you and your fam lived in Colorado... what brought you here? did you like it? what was the reason for leaving? etc. :)
i want to know what to do about the blogosphere becoming like the real world...in that women are so hard on women everywhere. and what we can do to not take it all so personally....
p.s. you can never use too many parentheses
Which state has been your favorite to live? N.Dakota, Colorado or Minnesota?
- Jennifer
Your advice was great last time. I packed shorts and the sun shone all holiday. So I am going large this time....
Would you give a husband who had left you a second chance? :-) See that's got to be an easy yes/no answer.....
Seems like you need a "heavy" question to add to the pot. To follow up on our question the other day, "What's the cure for loneliness?"
ok! a very "duhh" question, (don't laugh everybody). i can't figure out how to add the "you might like these stories" at the end of my posts... duhh right? Hey i am pretty new at this "blog" thing, and i'm sure if i pocked around enough i'd figure it out, but i just want someone to tell me... help Jules
I'm dieing to figure this out. How come I can not get my link to work on my face book fan page. It Is suppose to take you right to my Etsy shop when you click on It but It doesn't. I messed with this dog gone thing for hours yesterday.
ahhhh can anyone help v.i.j. with the face book question? I don't facebook, therefore I am at a loss!
For the Facebook Help - I clicked on the link provided here on this blog. It took me to the Facebook Fan Page. From there, I clicked on the INFO tab. I then clicked on the link given and it took me to your Etsy shop without a problem. Also clicked on the link given on the main page of Fan Page and took me to the Etsy shop as well. So ... not sure if you're just having probs on your end or if you've fixed it. Either way; it works well for me, I LOVE your stuff and will for sure be purchasing as soon as I have some extra money lol (end of the month)
It is Friday, June 5/09 and there is snow in the forcast for Southern Saskatchewan (Canada)...please Jules...tell me...will we ever truly have spring/summer this year???
any good advice on how to stop myself from biting my finger nails?? I've done it since I was little!
does it have to be advice? or can it be an opinion question?
Screw it, I have a question and I want to see how you answer it.
Given the recent comments by President Obama in Cairo, he said, "I've come here to Cairo to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world, one based on mutual interest and mutual respect, and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles -- principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings."
Do you feel that American's will ever learn to forget the tragedies of 9/11 enough to follow out President's lead and look for reconciliation with the Arab world?
That was just a softball too. I look forward to your answer!
Here's one for ya... how in the world are you going to find time to answer all these questions??? I can't wait to see what you write... you are so awesome!!!!
Thanks a million Alex & Jules.
Have a great week end...Kathi
take your pick:
1)now that i got a new oven, what can i blame my burnt or not done enough food on?
2)why do i hate lawn ornaments so much?
3)why doesnt repainting my toe nails ever make it to the top of my list of things to do.
Any advice on how to not feel so overwhelmed all the time? Nothing seems to get done ever. Between the business, the never ending mess of a house and the kids I can never seem to get it all right. I spend each day saying if I can just get through....but as I get past each thing there always seems to be more. I am finding myself getting more and more depressed and overwhelmed. Any suggestions?
My Question: Okay, so I like this guy, we've actually dated, but we are separated now (we needed space). We both really like each other but he thinks I'm crazy because his sister who is a counselor said I was (she only met me once!), he must have thought of something about me that really did make me seem crazy (maybe it's because I made Easter Eggs for his cows??). Maybe I am just too immature or something. I donno (no one else thinks I'm crazy). What should I do prove I am very sane and mature (besides move out of my parents house??). I need to captivate him somehow and prove my sanity, but am not sure how. Jules, help me!
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