I need to jot of a post quick, because the voices in my head are telling me to.
I want to know how all of your words have gotten into my head?
I find myself saying and thinking things like
I am rubbish at.... (thanks to Julie)
In which she..... (I believe this would be Tara)
These are just two examples but there are many many more words and sayings that I find coming out of my head that have come from you....
I don't know about you, but, sometimes I find it scary in my head - what do you think about it in there?
Julie is in my head too. I've started to refer to my DH as "husband". Right to his face.
WV: gabin. What I'm doing instead of making supper.
My head is so full, if anything is filtering in, I would never know it. Or remember. : )
Don't try and figure that out...just go with it! As long as they are happy thoughts, and if their not...fake it!!!
uh, don't even get me started on what's floating in my head... just start humming a song... sometimes that helps muffle it a bit :)
i pick up on this stuff too,
i use
"no worries" which i got from wife, who works at outback
and I got
"PS" from another friend who would tell you something, or even start a sentence with it.....it made sense, most of the time
I know my speech patterns change when I'm around my brother or sister, but I haven't picked up any 'blog speak' yet that I know of!
Hi Jules,
The voices in my head are constantly composing posts...wherever I walk they leap on an idea and begin all over again....
Happy days
I don't find it scary in your head! We all get influenced by others expressions, sometimes they are pretty cool!
I can totally relate....I use the Rubbish thing too but I think because we used to say that a lot back home. Another big one is real world people (VEG). I even think of it as RWP in my head. When I am driving I am constantly looking to see a great photo, I have been forgetting my camera lately!!! You are not alone!!!!!
ADAM... I have that PS friend too.. I love it.
trust me reading peoples blogs do the same to me..now im paying alot more attention to flowers thanks to Darsden..and just looking at the world based different view of people around me..
Like Delwyn I have an annoying blog voice in my head - always trying out new ideas. I'm relieved I'm not the only one who does that... :)
This is a cute idea. I think somewhere along the line I picked up the desire to use the word "whilst" from my friend Ms. Hedgehog and I know for sure that I always want to spell the word colour because of Tara... but that's the only bit of lemming I can come up with now.
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