Thursday, June 18, 2009

Women are Catty!

Why are women the way they are?

Is it inborn? Learned? Both probably.

I will go to swimming lessons today.

I will take my usual spot on the bleachers.

I will sit my appropriate 4-5 feet away from the mom next to me.

We will politely smile at each other.

Maybe exchange a hello.

Then, I will sit there - it won't take long and I will feel it.

The stares, the judgments, they are coming from my left and right.

They are coming from the other women.

They are scoping out the other women - like cats in the jungle measuring up their competition?

Women are Catty.


I will bring my camera and try to snap a pic on the sly of this.

p.s. if you know me, you know I am ultra social. I will talk to anybody. However here you get a dismissive smile and a quick answer... amazing!


Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

Aww darlin' ... just tell them off lol. Ok, that wont work, but it would be nice wouldnt it?

I understand exactly what you're talking about. I think it's just something women are born with. Some are able to turn it off and some arent.

Laura Doyle said...

Do you ever wonder if there's anyone else sitting there, wondering the same thing as you? : )

I would be.

julochka said...

maybe they're just danish...

i know that feeling. and it is not fun. so i usually assume a haughty superior stance and fiddle with my iPhone.

WV : spancid - it doesn't sound good, so i'm sure it's what those catty women are...

Polly said...

I know what you mean, there are plenty of catty women here in the UK, I usually react with a very sudden and broad smile which either freaks them out of gives them no choice but to smile back

wv scalic, which is also what catty women are

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

I lived in a town that had mostly unfriendly women and I thought it was me....when I moved here, I was amazed with the friendly atmosphere and warmth. Lucky for you it's only in small's not you!

~Thought's By Dena~/ JDs Gift Shack said...

omg...I live in a small town and thats so how the women are here...drives me nuts....Im a very quiet person...shy I guess youd say but I never am rude...always smile say hi and then do the same thing I sit there feeling like all of the sudden everyone around me is judging me...and why??? Ive done nothing wrong..I always wonder if its something in our hormones or what cuz it doesnt seem that men have to deal with this!!!!

Candi said...

I am feeling your pain! You would not believe the rudeness I just experienced at a end of season soccer party (

Stay strong!

Mari Mansourian said...

been there and felt that... we women... that's why i get along better with men... they're more like puppies than "catty" ;)

Lorac said...

Sounds like they are scared of something. Possibly you are more together than you think. They feel inferior and not knowing how to act around you, they are distant.

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

I'm with Polly. Just kill 'em with kindness and a big ole smile.

Walk right up and sit next to her and say, where ya from? What do you think of the swimming lessons this year? Are you kids making you crazy like mine are?

math guy, dock guy said...

It is a completely different world you gals live in. Hard to understand for a guy.

Seaside Girl said...

I'm with Polly and the Fragrant Muse. Random acts of smiling.

I tagged you with random lists of 5 - if you want to play and forget the cats go and check it out.

Anonymous said...

this has nothing really to do with your post, but I had to tell you I heard you on the radio today!!!
you sounded great, is it one of those many past professions you had?!
I wouldn't be surprised!
happy day!

Deb said...

I've decided it's not a sex's a person thing. Believe me I've met some catty men in the school district! Do you know the prayer for loving kindness? It might help...I don't have a blog idea for here goes!

Sandy said...

Yes, women are catty. I don't believe they are born that way, I believe they learn it. Kids are so welcoming, without prestigious..I believe it is learned, taught.

I remember when mine was young and the swimming lessons etc. Don't sit 5 feet away. Sit right next to someone and talk. Where's yours outthere? Is he or she your only? Go on and on and on. Introduce yourself, introduce the one you sitting with to others...change it. OR, be totally aloaf (which I don't recommend at it's harder and only causes more difficulties to you and your children), sit 10-15 ft. away...not on the bleachers. Bring your bag chair, a book and be totally involved in your book, writing a letter, updating your calendar. Look several times at your phone, that no doubt is on vibrate-silent. Pick it up even if you don't have a call and walk a further distance away. Nod, smile, gesture.

The kids are friends? So why can't the adults be? Let your daughter see you enjoying yourself with these women as you pass the time of day. You really are all in the same boat, passing the time of day while your kids grow up.

please swing by for a visit, welcome mats always out. I've added quite a bit since you were last there, you can pick a destination and loose yourself for awhile.

Deb said...

Just call me on the phone next time. I promise not to be toooo catty! Love and kisses.

Homer and Queen said...

Do you have a 3rd eye? Cuz if you do, I will stare and be judgemental...just sayin'...

Adaptable Kay said...

I left you something on my blog :D

Sandra said...

Jules, don't give them the power. I think the only good thing about getting old is not playing this game anymore. I carry a bubble of outlandishness around me. Most people react in an open manner to the slightly crazy lady. I would second what Sandy said. Toss away your inhibition and push the point.

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