I believe more in the scissor than I do the pencil - Truman Capote
Ok, so I am pondering my answers to julochka for my interview questions. I am so very excited to post my answers this afternoon. I am also waiting for my questions from tangobaby to find their way through the cyber world where they seem to have taken a wrong turn! Again, so excited at the possibility of that interview!!!! (it even gives me a tickle in my tummy). So, stay tuned for that.
In the mean time, let's chat about scissors. Yes scissors.
You are an adult now, and you deserve a GOOD pair of scissors. I don't think we need to worry about you running with them or cutting pieces of your hand off (if we do, then ignore this post :) I would highly recommend the company Gingher scissors. They are an old time favorite thing. You can find them at most craft and sewing stores. I have had a faithful pair of Gingher sewing scissors for years now. A person can cut through three layers on material at one time with them.
For Christmas I recieved three more pairs to spread around my house (as I am always looking for them and am frustrated when I can't even cut paper with my old one!) They are a great investment. Once they start to dull you find a local sharpener and have them whipped back into shape and you are good to go. The power of a good scissor is a little like the power of a good sword!
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