In the depth of the Minnesota winter it is very easy to be overtaken by the winter blues. Realistically, it is easy to fall into a deep dark despair/depression.
This depression has a name - S.A.D. Seasonal Affective Disorder. It is a true blue (get the pun?) studied disorder backed by science. See, we lack enough sunlight to fill the bodies' need of Vitamin D. Plus it is too cold to be outside for long amounts of time. This limits our amount of fresh air and exercise, and really, the amount of things available to do are also limited by both the snow and cold. (We couldn't go outside yesterday because it didn't get above +5 degrees)
Being an incredibly social person and a stay at home mom on a limited budget only adds to problem. I am around people under 4 feet tall who have a limited vocabulary. My outings typically include preschool and the grocery. Not the ideal situation for my personality type.
To battle these feelings I am going to post something fabulously positive and sunny (literally)
Why I love my job (today):
My "office" has a great view

Our morning "meeting" is usually very low key.
Plus, slippers are accepted footwear!
I absolutely love the view from your office... I've mentioned you in my latest post, if you'd like to join in I'd be honoured! Have a great weekend. Polly
talk about the best corner office.......ever!
Oh, how I envy you, you lucky lucky lady.
What a great "staff"! I totally agree with you and the cold weather blahs. You have a terrific outlook! Great post.
Boylerpf - I am desperately trying to stay on the up and up. I usually fall so deep that only the sight of Spring's first flower can bring me back out....
It's great that you love your job..it's a key to the doors of daily happiness..
Enjoy my dear! Too soon they will fly the nest and you'll be told, "I don't think I'll come home for spring break, but you're welcome to pay me a visit if you'd like! love Deb
Hey Ms. Deb - thanks for visiting again. I can't believe Miss G is that big! Boys and school will do that to a gal I guess. I do hope the Wee one's go somewhere fabulous or warm so that when they say that I can say - OK, we'll be there for the weekend!
Lol! Glad you appreciate your 'job'!
I think I'm being affected for the first time this year, I'm crabby! Your children are lucky they are your job. I second enjoy it, they will fly away all too soon.
I spend my days with four-legged 1000 lb. 'toddlers'! I know what you mean.
my favorite part is being able to wear my pajamas all day long. :-) but that will stop soon enough, because i'll soon have to go back to the outside work world. love the pinkish sunrise, that helps a bit, doesn't it?
Love the view from your home office windoe. Drop by and come share my view!
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