While reading Moments of perfect clarity by julochka this morning I saw this little game and thought, why not....
Plus, I have a lot of work to do around the house today and figured it would be a quick post for the day...
4th picture meme - you take the 4th picture in the 4th folder on your computer and post it and explain it. no editing, no selecting another picture. Here is what I came up with. I like almost everyone else broke the rules a bit. I eliminated a wedding folder and our business folder and came up with our Spring 2008 picture folder. Here is the fourth picture from our fourth personal folder.
This last summer we made an outhouse for the garden. Our yard is just under 2 acres. The garden, raspberries, strawberries, garden shed, most level area of yard suitable for playing on, and firepit (where you see the chairs) are all in the back of the yard; It is quite a jaunt to the house. For this reason (and because they look so neat) I wanted an outhouse back there. With four wee ones and myself outside most of the summer someone is always having to run in to use the bathroom(when you are three that is a looooong way to make it).
PLUS, in July we celebrated three things - our 10 year anniversary, my beloved's masters degree, and my 35th birthday. We invited 100 of our closest friends and family. All I could think about was everyone tromping through the house to use the facilities. I really hated the idea of renting one of those icky port-a-johns.... ANYWAY... My dearest made us an outhouse. (You can see the finished picture on my Flickr, stage right)
We built the frame in the garage and moved it with the lawn tractor to the back of the yard. To weigh it down and keep it from tipping (and to entertain my friend Amy who was there to help us plan the party) Dearest jumped in weighed it down. We had to wait until the wee one's were in bed (which is why I am in my p.j.s) , so off we rode into the sunset :)
Thank you Julie from Julochka for the memory! As Julie put it..."I'd love to see the 4th picture in your 4th folder and hear your story, so if you'd like to share, consider yourself tagged."
This is a stunning picture, looks like a perfect balmy evening, very soothing... and what a great idea for a tag! I'm going to check out my photo folder and see what I would come up with. Have a great weekend! Polly
Great photo and story. I think I will follow suit and do this too. Thanks! Mine will likely be horse related though.
just getting a chance to catch up. love it. an outhouse. i've got to go check out the finished product on flickr! :-)
Great story! You recently posted on my blog - I'm following you now. Great blog! See my "tag" post at http://thesavvycybermama.blogspot.com/2009/01/tag-youre-it.html.
Glad to see you back my dear blogging friend julochka. How funny it ends up being a picture of an outhouse!
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