Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dancing with your head cut off

I am running like a chicken with my head cut off....... We've all heard the expression (although most of us have never actually seen this occur)
This is how I feel today!

But, that led me to think, how long can a chicken live with it's head cut off, because I feel as though I am burning the candle at both ends and don't know if at this pace I can make it to the end of the weekend!
(yeah another saying, and wondering how long can a candle burn at both ends? The answer depends upon the length of the candle.... but, I digress!)

This got me long can a chix live w/o it's head? Really it was a procrastination tool, but none the less, the world wide web never seems to let a person down anymore. I discovered that there was a chicken who lived for a year and a half with it's head cut off! Out of fun I thought I would share the wonder and amazement with you.

I guess if I can just make it through the end of the weekend I will be good.


See story here

Excerpt from the headless chicken story
...A skillful blow was executed and the chicken staggered around like most freshly terminated poultry....
...Then the determined bird shook off the traumatic event and never looked back. ..
...When Olsen found Mike the next morning, sleeping with his "head" under his wing, he decided that if Mike had that much will to live, he would figure out a way to feed and water him...
...In the 18 MONTHS that Mike lived as "The Headless Wonder Chicken" he grew from a mere 2 1/2 lbs. to nearly 8 lbs...

Check out the website here


Dave King said...

Extraordinary tale. I do recall from my childhood a chicken, supposedly dead for 6 -7 hours at least, getting itself out of the tin bath my mother had put it in, and wandering round the kitchen.

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

That is totally weird! I had never heard of that story and wouldn't have believed it unless there was a pic!

Anonymous said...

ha this made me laugh!

Adan said...

you have definitely procrastinated enough to find the most off the wall story of a chicken with no head! my god!

I am still chucking and my wife is looking at me like i am crazy. i don't want to tell her why because i feel she may really commit me!

Polly said...

I have actually heard of this chicken before... internet is a wonderful thing, just think how much reading you'd have to do to find this information in a paper!

I hope you have a relaxing weekend...

tangobaby said...

Although I can't corroborate the headless chicken story, my grandma used to tell us about how when she was my age (me being quite small) she used to wring the necks of chickens by holding their heads and spinning their bodies (she grew up on a poor farm in the Ukraine).

She was so matter of fact about it and I remember being very freaked out and impressed by it.

I hope your running around crazy stops soon.

Just Jules said...

Thanks tango-dear. It will be interesting to spend so many hours in a row with my dearest. We are more used to sneaking in an hour or two here and there!

A special thanks for the great photos that arrived in my humble mailbox.

the letters i wish i'd written... said...

I jogged by a pigeon once that had no head, no word of a lie, man did i up my pace when I saw it!

namaste said...

That's crazy!!!!

Kacie said...

I have heard of this story, but never believed it until now! crazy! Also, I have seen chickens run around bleeding with their heads cut off. The relatives on my dad's side would all get together just to butcher chickens for a few days (one of the uncles had a TON of chickens!)... it was so much fun! I was really young so it was my job to catch them (with heads still attached!) by the leg and bring them to my cousin with the axe and the stump. good times... :)

julochka said...

i saw a comedy show once that used that story...they talked about how the owner had to suck the phlegm out of his "throat" every day and one day he forgot and little mike died...tragic.