Oh, wait, first, this all came about because:
I have been tagged by Mod Farmgirl's Blog (she has the sweetest masthead picture)
Here are the rules of being tagged:
-Link to the person who tagged you
-Post these Rules in your Blog
-Write 5 Random things about yourself
-Tag random people at the end of your post and link to them
-Let each Person know they've been tagged
So here goes.....
1) I used to be in danceline. I even coached it in college. I could kick so high my knee would touch my shoulder. While sleeping, I still dream that I can do the splits. Strange I know.
2) I was a good girl in High School - probably too good.
3) I don't like common foods like bananas, green peppers, cottage cheese, cream cheese, and fruit filled things.
4) I think it is more important to have a good relationship with the janitor and the receptionist at work than it is the boss because, honestly the first two can usually help you more than the last one.
5) I am a chameleon. I can blend in and talk to almost anyone. White collar or blue... I have a way of making people feel at ease. Not bragging, just saying. I can usually charm the pants off them too (not literally (anymore))
6) I habitually pay our bills late - not like months late - usually a week late or so. (except the house payment is always on time or early)
7) I watch brainless shows (which would seem so unlike me if you knew me in person) like Dog the Bounty Hunter, and The Girls Next Door... it is like a nap for my brain. Yet, I shake my head at people who watch shows like The Bachelor or Rock of Love or whatever it is called. Sorry...... I know!
8) I am very poor at keeping in touch with my family. No excuses, just am. I always assume they know I love them.
9) I would rather build a house than scrub a floor or dust.
10) I am not the mom I always thought I would be. You won't find me saying "I would never...." anymore
So, as you can see, I already broke the rules and listed 10 things.
Now, I am going to break them more (sorry mod farmgirl!)
I am not going to assign the tag, rather I am going to offer it out.
If you want to be tagged - leave it in the comment box and we can all come check it out.
Hint Adam, or Julie, Fawn, or... I'll be checking ;)
After not knowing what to write about Kacie from Neo-Plains Woman did one...
check hers out too.
Thanks for the tag dear, it was fun
Update - Adam from I don't give two cents.... took the tag and erased the rules, go see what he came up with here.
I had to laugh out loud at number four. But you are likely very right about that! Number nine - wanna build that house together? I'd rather not clean the floors either!
Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
ha ha, so I guess its time to dust off the random facts about myself.
I can understand the bill paying thing! I just cannot get them on the due date!
I will happily join the fun game soon! just need to sort other thoughts in my mind...ahhh!!!!
you don't like cream cheese?! yum.
I love your random things and the analogy with the sniff test and the dogs....so cute!
I would like to play but I have to think about what I want to divulge...lol...sometimes I'm a little shy.
Have a Great Weekend!
Very interesting, thanks! It's great to get to know you a little better... I was never able to do a split, I'm jealous you could!
I'm glad you're feeling better...
Fun list, and cute blog I'll be back! I am doing a giveaway come check it out if you get the chance.
Well, as a dog lady, I do enjoy your analogy! I have played this game a couple of times, so there isn't much more to say. I like finding out people's food dislikes, I suppose it's because I am a picky eater.
#4 means something to me. I have horses and they have often gone to the trainer for showing. This can be a snooty world and many people don't treat the barn help well. As I see it, they are the hands-on with your horse, do you really want them to not like you?
Great list of random things! I like the adjustments!!
#4 is so true!!
You don't like fruit filled things?! Does that include filled doughnuts?? (I LOVE doughnuts!!)
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