Wanted: H
ousekeeper. Our current housekeeper is habitually falling behind on her assigned duties. (See attached pictures) She is about to get the boot out the door. New, more consistent, and efficient housekeeper needed. Persons applying must be able to straighten toys that continually seem to crawl back off the shelves, wash and put away the same dishes over and over multiple times a day, as well as deal with piles of clothing, pet hair, and muddy snow. House must be cleaned using only natural/chemical free products. Bonuses given for handling laundry and beds. Pay is on a self satisfaction scale only (there really is no money available for this position).
Also..... while we are at it..... I should place one more ad
Male Cook. Need not be a chef. Someone who can plan and provide healthy, nutrition, well rounded meals, using natural or organic foods when available. Meals are served nightly in a "sit down/ family style". These meals must (magically) satisfy all 6 different tastes and "issues". "Issues" range from an aversion to different foods touching, to an over sensitive palate where all things seem
too spicy. Please note: the food budget and time constraints do not allow for meals to be prepared
on demand however, and one meal must somehow meet each persons need. Also most meals are consumed in under 10 minutes time. Persons applying must not expect gratification via compliments or rave reviews as these tend to be few and far between. Again, this is not a paid position.
Send all applications via my email.
kitchen after current housekeeper/cook slacked off for two days!p.s. I am the current housekeeper/cook and I fear my dearest is about to fire me due to the lack of work accomplished this week! LOL
i take it you are feeling like an under appreciated mom/wife again? I know how you feel.
well, always huh? But, today I truly fear for my "job" it is getting that bad! :)
LOL...we all know the feeling. Hope you're staying warm and cozy.
yes!! this is our house if i go two days slack too. sigh. tell me if you find a good 'replacement' :)
Oh, Jules,
I know exactly how you feel! I find it is especially difficult during the winter, too and I don't live in Minnesota or have any wee ones. If I wasn't several states away, I would come help you, but alas... Hang in there! Do you think you could entice the wee ones into helping, child labor laws be damned? ;-)
Thank Alex(andra) ;)
I work best under pressure. I cleaned the kitchen and living areas in under an hour when dearest called and said he was on his way home and the wee ones were due off the bus. The problem has been that our dishwashing machine has been broken.
i should definitely have taken a picture of my kitchen earlier today. it would make you feel much better. i hadn't bought salt for the dishwasher and since it's relatively new, i was afraid to run it without because the red light was on. you'd be amazed how many teacups 3 people go through in 24 hours! and the dust bunnies in the corner...horrendous.
if your ads work, do let me know and i'll try on my side of the atlantic. :-)
So cute! I need a cook like that one in the picture :) Hey, I bet you were doing the most important things like taking care of your beautiful kids so that's not really slacking off. Sometimes the cleaning just has to take a back seat.
Have a Happy Day!
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