We played this awhile back. It was a lot of fun, and seems like a fabulous thing to do for a Monday. Also this week I will start another Ask Jules- I have questions slowly trickling in from the last time that are still unanswered. So, it is time to get creative.
(and to start thinking of your questions for Ask Jules.)

Alright - here is the game.
I start the story with a sentence. Then the first person that comments continues the story- taking it in what ever direction they desire. Ending after about four sentences.
You do not complete the story - you just continue it. Then the next person to come along and comment picks up the story where it has been left off and keeps telling the story (again in which ever crazy direction you want).... so forth and so on.
Here is the start of the adventure story:
Daniel gave a polite cough. It didn’t attract the attention he wanted. He cleared his throat, took a deep breath and reached for the bell. It was now or never. The ferry left in 35 minutes. He needed to get his ....
self dressed, but this was a difficult task given his current state. The ring of the bell would surely bring his nurse maid, Marelda Garrett, to his wing. She had been his nurse ever since he was a child. Daniel usually does not need her assistance, but this was an urgent matter.
Pulling the sash on his dressing gown tighter, he rang the bell again and again. When no answer came, Daniel slipped on his leather slippers. His legs were stiff and weak as he slowly raised himself up from the bed, using the night table for support. "Marelda!", he bellowed in the direction of the closed door.
After what seemed an eternity, Marelda finally appeared. Daniel immediately understood what took her so long to respond. To his delight, she held ...
...what looked to be a riding crop and a ball gag. The sweat from her brow was still glistening. Suddenly he finally knew what the pain was from. He looked at his back in the mirror and saw...
the calender. It was October 31st. She must have been getting ready for a Halloween Party. Still needing her assistance to get out of bed and to reach his portfolio he...
need to get the documents and make the ferry on time. Marelda knew her plans to attend the yearly staff Halloween party would have to wait. When she had been straightening Daniel's room the day before she had come across the documents and knew he would be wanting to take the ferry to the mainland. She was still upset that he intended to sign away his island property to....
his frivolous and uncaring daughter Felicity. She had already spent most of her inheritance on gambling and partying. Marelda had grown tired of Felicity's broken promises to Daniel of reform, to spend more time with him. She didn't even have the decency to pretend she cared for her father. This gave Marelda an idea, she gently set down the riding crop on the marble table top on Daniel's nightstand, gathered up her courage and
told Daniel that Felicity had left a note for him. "She said that you should not bother with taking the ferry in this afternoon. She has been thinking about it and has a proposition for you." Daniel sank back down onto the bed with a sigh. "Very well." he said. "I think I will rest a bit more then." Marelda gathered up her costume and set out to put her plan into action. She called Jake her best friends nephew and told him she had a job for him. If she were to find enough dirt to black mail Felicity she would need help.
Jake was an alcoholic sheep farmer by day and a nurse practitioner by night, he didn't sleep much. He loved it this way though, who wouldn't? and the challenge of diggin' up some dirt was one he couldn't resist so he slipped on his fuschia Guggi wellies and headed to the...
..local pub (since this has a decidedly british feel), where he ran into a group of disgruntled farmers (wearing decidedly more demure wellies), who were discussing...
how to stop the wives from nagging them about staying at the pub at all hours of the night...
But he had come here for a purpose, and that was to gather dirt on Felicity. He sat down at a corner table in the pub and watched the people. That was until one of the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on walked into the pub wearing...
matching fuchsia wellies. This was his signal. It was Amanda - she was carrying the dirt he needed to frame Felicity and save Daniel's island property. Marelda would be so pleased.
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