Maybe I should back up.
Several years ago I was at a water park. It was our family and two other families (friends from my hubby's hometown/school) I was cold, wet, and frustrated.
This park had a section designed for a the wee-est ones with water jets shooting out of the floor and an itty bitty slide. I was there with our three littlest ones. The side that my hubby and oldest were at was exactly kitty corner, across, far far across from where I was. He was there chatting and swimming with his high school friends that we vacation with once a winter.
I was cold because of the stupid water jets that were getting me wet but not keeping me warm. I was frustrated because I was alone. Slowly the idea of a social, fun weekend was slipping from my mind as I realized it was going to be me and the littlest kids by myself again.
(BTW-things drastically improved after that year)
To keep myself entertained and in an effort not to become the "psycho" wife I started looking around at people - people watching is always entertaining. It started with this evil intent to find the cutest guy in the park and watch him - something to keep me, as I said, entertained. However, as I started to look around something became quite clear - all guys in my age range have started to look like "dads". You could tell who had been cuter than the other guy and who would have caught my eye back in the day- but, here they were chasing their little ones with their ponch of a belly and the sagging in their chest that comes from having to come straight home to dinner and to help with a new child. The kind of physique that comes from more nights on the couch then in the gym.
Side note: The same thing was happening in our relationship - we were more like teddy bears then barbies. But, hey! babies never cuddle barbies. Now the pendulum has swung. The wee ones are getting older and requiring less hands on attention and there is time for the gym again.

You younger girls take note... go for what you find on the inside of a man. Make sure you chose a man who is kind, caring, and considerate of you. Make sure he is someone you can stand to be around and not just to look at. A guy who shares the same values and will make a good dad and husband.
I am so glad I chose that type of man.
(it was a bonus that he came with brilliant blue eyes)
Because, on that day in the water park one thing became quite clear to me. When it comes down to it they all end up looking like dads.
Sage advice, Jules :-) Mine came with bright green peepers, but I feel the same way. No wee ones yet, but soon hopefully and I can already picture him holding our baby in his arms.
Amen sister. Well said.
Nothing sexier than a great daddy.
Great words of wisdom to the young girls. They forget all too often that beauty is on the outside but the true beauty...yes, men have beauty...comes from the heart. That is the part we live with for the rest of our lives. I'm lucky to have found that after 4 kids and 30 years..great dad, husband and my best friend!
I always went for the lean yet muscular guys who were emotional (read: moody). Always. I couldn't stand the thought of extra fluff. When I met Brendan I didn't even look twice at him because he didn't fit that bill. But it was those brilliant blue eyes that eventually got me...I just couldn't stop looking into them! And he wasn't moody. Or confused. Or any of the other things I was used to. It turned out that everything he is, fits just perfectly with me. No little ones yet, but some day. : )
Perfect advice for the younger girls...for that matter, the older girls too...lol! You are a lucky lady to have found such a great husband :)
Yes the day finally comes when you can get to the gym or go for a child free hike....The first times I went solo I felt naked without a stroller in front of me...defining who I was both physically and psychologically.
and then the time finally comes when you can choose again whether it will be the gym or a walk or coffee or all three... for us it is like being newly married and childless, now that 3.75 of the kids have gone...
and it is so nice...
But enjoy every minute with the treasures cos it happens in the blink of an eye...
What a nice post. When I tell my hubby of 20 plus years how 'cute he looks today' He laughs and says "You still see me like I looked in High school." I don't know if that's true, but I could only wish the same treatment back in My direction. Your post makes me think of how much I love him.
It's cruel but so very true.
I saw the "headline" for this post on another blog and wandered in on a hunch. Having read the comments, I feel wiser and understanding more, but sadder and disappointed.
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