Charlie Brown was pre-empted for the presidential address. Call me anti- American, but as a mom this was horrible. Another case of bad timing and judgment on the governments part. My guess is they figured they could pull in the mom and children demographic since that is who would be tuning in at that time. Sorry, we didn't stick around to watch. We as mom's were scrambling. I for one had based my whole day and children's motivation off from this show and the new Prep and Landing show that was to follow (you should follow that link if you have kids, there are some cool things over there - including an elf training game I rock at ;)

I had gotten my kids to do a ridiculous amount of helping and cleaning all in the name of watching these shows. Our plan was to get our jammies on and have a movie/popcorn party (for which we needed a clean living area- right?! see, the line of thinking I used? tricky. parent trickery) Imagine what happens when four kids are all set and ready for movie time only to find the president on and no hope of it ending soon. No Charlie Brown no peace. sigh..... Chaos erupted - crying, screaming, and the kids weren't much better....
I have been searching the guide on the t.v. trying to find when they rescheduled with no luck. Today in desperation I did a Google search and yippy! T.V. guide has gone high tech and is online. Not only that, but, they have a special guide just for the Holiday season. So, for my readers in America you can click the link before and see when and what station your favorite Holiday show will air.
TV Guide Holiday Show Calender
You can thank me later - after your house is cleaned by your children (who you now know to motivate with the promise of a popcorn/movie party) and in their p.j.'s by 6:45pm. Just don't blame me if Obama ruins your plans.
And yet, it doesn't mention "White Christmas" which is on tonight!
what a great tip! I love Charlie Brown! So much more than Osama
oops - chief seems to have made a spelling error.... oh wait, probably not!
Os - a girl can only do so much. I will forward you the email address and you can contact tvguide your self.
THAT SCOUNDREL! That was seriously not cool!
How disappointing. I remember eagerly anticipating that special every year growing up. That was back in the dark ages, we had one tv channel, no dvd's/vcrs/hulu/free tv-internet downloads. So it was a very big deal when Charlie Brown was on.
I'm sure you'll make it up to the kids somehow. Thanks for the tv guide special link...I noted that they didn't list Martha's Christmas Special...Hmmmm?
Chaos erupted - crying, screaming, and the kids weren't much better....love it.
i would have much rather watched lucy be mean to charlie for the 7934th time than that speech he gave.
I loved the same line as Leah..
And don't get me started on Obama...
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