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I have the distinct honor to be a guest on Adam's blog Throwing Quarters today. (Ok, I begged...you know me too well).
I am over HERE talking about Real -vs- Artificial.
Go check it out. But, first go down below and see what is peeving me today. Gotta love a good rant.
Bossy today aren't I - sorry.....kinda.
to review- 1) go below and read my bitching, (2)go to Adam's blog and find out if they are real, (3)go about your day.
I am over HERE talking about Real -vs- Artificial.
Go check it out. But, first go down below and see what is peeving me today. Gotta love a good rant.
Bossy today aren't I - sorry.....kinda.
to review- 1) go below and read my bitching, (2)go to Adam's blog and find out if they are real, (3)go about your day.
I thought at first that your question applied to your header image!
Ha! I thought along the same line as Dave!!!!
Been there, read it and commented :)
fine fine, I'm going over! Love ya girl!
I am commenting and tell you I will go over because Queen says k! ;)
I also wanted to say, with Target, one of my favorite places to shop, that I do agree that the sweaters have GOTS TO GO and the holiday boxers and TIES for that matter!
THough I have my fair share of crap I buy that is completely and totally unnecessary, but I LOVES me some shopping and sometimes I get carried away... just sayin.
Okay, I'm on my way over! :)
When I got here to comment there were 3 comments... now there is 6! My computer is SOOOOO slow!!!
Oh Dave and Sandra - we had that discussion already!!!!!
It's a charlie brown tree!! Lol
Congrats on being a guest-I'll definitely have to check it out :)
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