It has been snowing for days. But, it is the kind of snow that takes two days to cover all the grass. A dusting I guess. Kind of like sprinkling powdered sugar on top of brownies.

The nice thing about the first snow fall is the birds and other small forest creatures start emerging finding alternative sources of food.

So, with a little patience, and a whole lot of avoiding work... I got a few shots to share.

I have a fondness for birds. We have talked about this before.

I however, do not have a fondness for winter. The grey skies are what kill me. I can deal with the SNOW and cold, it is the lack of sunshine that hurts. you can see the grey in the background. The next 4 months are always so long.

We are done with birthdays for awhile (finally) we have sooo many in the Fall it is crazy.
(Last party will be tonight when 7 yr old has his 'kid' party).
We now have a 10, 8 3/4, 7, and 5 year old running and arguing around our house.
I think next time I am at the store I will buy a pack of earplugs. Or, maybe I will just put a new battery in my MP3 player ;)
It is always strange seeing small birds out in the cold... It seems like it must "hurt" the bird being so cold.
Nice pictures.
Best regards,
Tom Bailey
Love the pictures. I never understood how little birds survive the cold.
Just bought some batteries I'll send them over
did you make that beaded thingie the birds are hanging out on? because it's way cool!
i wish it would actually snow here, it's just so cold and dismal, some snow would be nice.
i he-yah about the gray. {hand to forehead} ohhhhh, the grayish gradation of graying gray days. ugh.
lets get through it together.
I can just see you bopping around the house in your wild flannel pajamas, fuzzy slippers on, ipod blaring in to your eardrums....what? Laaalaaaa, I can't hear you!
By the way, tomorrow is Copper's big day, he'll come home at five and be a 'smaller' dog.
When you are done rockin' out, please give child number 3 another big hug and kiss from me and wishes for the very best year ever.
oh no, the word verification is: cowdrok....hmmm
oh, yes almost forgot, the squirrel reminded me of one that we had in Parker...he would snowplow our fence top. Put his little forehead down and plow ahead of himself..was hilarious..does your squirrel plow too? Or is this a Colorado squirrel trick?
The only smart thing our squirrels do is stay off the birdfeeder. If they don't then....doodoo-doodoo (JAWS music) BANG! Jules turns into "The Terminator." Don't feel bad. There are plenty more where that one came from.
So Deb, now do you call copper an "it"? Poor guy, maybe he'll not bark as much :)
I heart the sun...
Okay... first let me say that I love that first pic with the snow on the squirrels nose. Very cute.
Second. You are not fond of winter. You live in minnefreakinsota. That's like 11.5 months of winter, is it not? Crazy girl...
I think they should move back to Colorful Colorado!
Math Dood, does she drop the limb rats in some grease when she gets done slayin em?
No but sometimes I hear...(in a soft, sad, guilty kind of voice) "oh poor squirrel, I didn't hit him very well and he just crawled away. I hope he dies soon. I suppose he went over to the neighbors and now they will call me again, wondering if I'm shooting squirrels again because one just drug himself past their window, bleeding." Or she might get confronted by the guy at the dump that "it isn't squirrel season" so why is she killing them now. Well, buddy, I don't think there is any season on squirrels where you shoot them outside your bedroom window, at them over a bait station, in a neighborhood area.
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