::I need to cut the guilt out.

::I need to remember how much better I feel when I plan and do things outside of the house. (then I need to plan and do things outside of the house)
::I need to continue to find me.
::I need to enjoy my stay at home mom status since it won't last much longer.
::I will go on another trip - somewhere fun, with a friend. That was the best thing I have ever done in my life I think.

::I will remember that I am worthy, I will shoot for feeling beautiful more then every once in a great while, and I won't worry about five - seven pounds that comes and goes (more often comes).
::I need to not feel anxious, guilty, or wrong for reading, watching movies, sitting down to a t.v. show or other things that I enjoy. Why have I stopped doing these things? Why do I feel bad when I do them?
::I need to find some patience.
::I need to put my foot down - I am a mom and I have a family. I am an adult. I can decide what we do and when - see point one and two as these then come into play.

::It is time to clean things out - clutter is getting the best of us.
::I need to get back on a healthy track. I have stopped being vigilante about what we take into our bodies, about our schedules, and our activities. I have been lax in our exposure to certain things etc. This is starting to show in our health and happiness, and general state of well being.
::I need to not call these resolutions, they are just things I have been thinking on. Something to post about today.
::I need to change some things. No time like now.
This is a great list!!
You can do this!! :)
I might borrow a few of these. Not resolutions...ways of life. Why are these lists always so intimidating?
meh...or you could just have another hoho and go back to facebook! :-)
It's a great time of year to re-fucus, eh? But I can see why there's the stigma of "New Years Resolutions."
::I need to hold on
I like #5 a lot! I'd sign up, but you may want someone to dance on the bar or get a tattoo with? This is an ambitious list and I know you will tornado your way through it. While you are at it, I hope you'll remember that you are more than enough just as you are! Mwaah!
love to see pics of the snow forts!
I believe we should treat ourselves first, every time, and satisfy our own needs before helping others. It makes us a better person, calmer, and more generous, less anxious, more understanding and patient.
In other words, I always take the last cookie, etc!
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